Thursday, October 13, 2022

Empty Belly Syndrome

 It's been a minute since I've had this empty belly feeling; I don't like it. Do you know what I'm talking about? It feels like you can't get enough to eat. It doesn't matter if you've just finished an entire large Pizza Hut pizza by yourself, it feels like you're still starving! It feels like nothing can stop the cravings, nothing can fill in the void. Nothing, no matter what you eat, is enough! I hate it. I'm told by my doctor that it's the way the body recovers after a terrible virus, and yeah, I get that, because that's exactly what I'm doing, but dang!!  I don't know if my metabolism is going to recover!!

    Last week, about 10 days ago actually, my daughter was taken to the hospital (by me) with what we knew to be dehydration, but we didn't know the full story until after they did the three-in-one test that tests for C19, Flu, and RSV, an upper respiratory infection type virus that runs the course like any other virus, but in the lungs mostly. Well, turns out she had Covid. Then, about two days later, they called to downgrade or side-step that diagnosis to the common flu because her white count was high and probably caused a false positive. I didn't really get to hear the joyous news because by that time I had a full-blown case of it myself!

    Laying in bed with a fever that just would not stop, in fact, it stayed for more than three full days. I couldn't rest. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. I could barely breathe and forget about working. I was out for the count. The fact that I was supposed to be caring for my sick daughter was absolutely on my heart, and on my mind. We did a great deal of praying and crawling around from one room to the other, taking breaks to just try not to die. It was the worse flu case  I have ever had, and I can't sing the praises of DayQuil and Tylenol loud enough. I drank a bottle of DayQuil every day for three days. No, I'm not kidding. My diet consisted of DayQuil, gingersnaps, trail mix bars, and Tylenol. Oh, and I drank nasty Pedialyte, I'm never going to do that again. I'll chug Jack Daniels before I do that again. Come to think of it, I should have done that.

    My grandpa always said that if you're ill whisky will heal ya, and if you're well, whiskey will kill ya. I don't exactly know what it will do for you if you're already mostly dead. I didn't get the chance to find out because  I had three bottles of DayQuil from when there was a sale on it at the store, and I thought I might need it. I was right. I was absolutely right. I did survive the 2022 Flu, but it took a great deal of persuading for that to happen. Now, after the virus has left the building, there is a  void the size of the Grand Canyon in my gut! No matter what I heave down my throat, it feels as if I have plenty of room to shove more in there; this is so not fun.

    I've decided to give into the monster and just eat until I can't eat anymore, then maybe after that's digested I'll find space for another carb or two. It's funny, my body doesn't want sugars, no, it's all about heavy bread, pasta, wheat products, and more trail mix bars. Big Lots had boxes of 30 and 48 for just under $10, so yeah, I bought 3.  I may actually end up packing on a pound or two in the next few days, but I have no choice in this matter. If I want to be healthy enough to stand, walk the dog, drive myself to work, and actually do the work, I'm stuffing my face 24/7.

    I bet if I went to the internet I could find a word for it. I bet there's a medical term for it. Let's see what I can find.  OK, what I found was a lot of sites telling me that people ate a great deal of food when they were sad, depressed, worried, or anxious. I'm not any of those, I am recovering from the Flu. Oh well, at least I know I'm not alone, my daughter is on this happy quest with me. We're thinking of fat burgers and fries later after we cram the pizza.  It may be the worse thing for us, but we'll be sure and wash it all down with a few bubbly LaCroix drinks while watching copious episodes of "Glee".  You can't know how pathetic that sounds, but let me tell you, it really helps get the nostrils flaring and the oxygen back into the body where it belongs.

    HEAL ALREADY!!  This isn't just a cheat day, this is recovery.  I'll survive.

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