Sunday, September 25, 2022

Chocolate Waffles. (Yes, Please)

 Everyone knows that dark chocolate is good for you, and the last time I looked Hershey's chocolate syrup was pretty dark. Ergo, Hershey's chocolate syrup is good for us! See the logic? I thought you might. I don't actually eat much sugar and I've mentioned it before. I'm not diabetic or even pre-diabetic, but many of my friends and family members are, so I think it's just a good practice as well as a way to show my support for them in their life struggles. If we can, we should be empathic and try to be as compassionate as possible. That's my take on it anyway.

    Today, because I can, I decided to make waffles for breakfast.  I didn't even need to Pinterest it. I know exactly what to do! I don't make the batter by hand because the store-bought box brand is literally amazing! I think it's still cheap enough to buy without shaking my head twice, and I love the fact that I know exactly how much of it to pour into the bowl to mix it so I don't have to measure anything. I don't know if you know this about me, but I don't like to measure much. I just wing it; which can lead to a lot of issues but so far I've been spared the really scary ones. My friend(s) hate it when I don't measure if I'm cooking for them, but I like to remind them at that point that I'm actually doing the cooking. I say this just before I swat one or the other of them with my wooden spoon. Yes, I am that cook! Stay out of my kitchen!

    Waffles for breakfast is a usual meal; no one would or could disagree with that statement. I am actually eating my breakfast a 11:45 a.m. this Sunday morning, which could be considered an early lunch or "brunch" as it is called by some. I don't typically eat early, I try to do the whole intermittent fasting when I can. I stop eating around 6:45 p.m. and I don't pick it back up again until after 10:30 a.m. usually. I'm working these days, so breakfast consists of a great breakfast bar (Usually Clif brand) or I bring a Slim Jim to work and call that breakfast, but either way, it's around 10:30 a.m.  I think it's working, but who knows? I'm not weighing myself these days, just wearing the trousers and tops that I think should fit and if they do that's how I know!

    Today, again, as I said before because I can, I decided on the chocolate waffles. I use a waffle maker for convenience. I plug it in, heat it up, spray it with cooking oil and mix my batter. I always, if having chocolate waffles, add chocolate chips to the mix, and why not? I'm living on the edge! Do it! Spoil thyself!  For grins and giggles I leave the waffler's top up for a while, not closing it, this is a trick I learned over time. If you leave it up for a minute the edges cook and aren't squeezed out allowing the batter to run all over the sides! Yes! See, even old dogs can be trained. It just takes a minute!

    So speaking of dogs, my dog Ginger sat beside me during the entire process. I think she thinks that if I drop something she'll be diligent and pick it up for me. I have never really expected less from her, but I usually let her keep anything she finds on the floor. We have a two-second rule in our house when it comes to food, and after that, the dog is the owner.  However, in most cases, there isn't enough time for the two-second rule; those dogs are there and on the job! Unfortunately for Ginger, I didn't spill or drop anything, and dogs can't have chocolate anyway. I told her! I was literally telling her the entire time that she couldn't have it even if I did drop it, but yeah, she wasn't listening. I then, because I should, purposedly found something on the cabinet I could drop. I think it was a Cheez-it. So yeah, I had to open the cabinet first, then find the box, then open that, and pull a few out so I could drop them, but dogs deserve a little respect just for sitting patiently beside their people.

    After the masterpiece was created, I further enhanced it with several dabs of creamy smooth Irish butter before covering it in the aforementioned Hershey's chocolate syrup.  Done! I only need one. I'm truly satisfied with just one waffle when it's done correctly.  I do actually often eat waffles with bananas and chocolate, or strawberries and chocolate. There was this one time that I ate it with regular maple syrup and you would have thought my kids had seen me twerk on top of the countertop! Their faces! They just stared at me and slowly dropped their jaws. (Mom is not putting chocolate on her waffle, is she OK?)  We were out of chocolate that day. It was a sad day to be sure, but I was able to at least show them, and give them an example, of what it is to be tolerant and inclusive. It was a teaching moment.

    Other uses for Hershey's chocolate syrup could and do include being used for chocolate milk of course, or as a topping on ice cream. I'll pour it over apples too. I am not above using it in my cake batters.  The one place it does not have a right to be is on my homemade biscuits. Nope, that is when I make chocolate gravy with my Hershey's cocoa powder. There is a difference, and if you don't know the difference you have no right to call yourself a cook! I don't know if you actually do consider yourself a cook, but you wouldn't be one if you didn't know the difference between Hershey's cocoa and Hershey's chocolate syrup.  Oh wait, there's another place it doesn't belong!  Hershey's chocolate syrup does not belong in my chocolate frosting either.  Now that I think about it, I could probably come up with any number of places it couldn't, shouldn't, or wouldn't be. However, (she grins) I do know a place in the house where you shouldn't or wouldn't take the powder cocoa but you can take the bottle of syrup - - for convenience as well as the texture I mean. Everything tastes better with a bit of chocolate, we can all agree on that - - I'll leave it there.

Photo Credit: Me

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