Thursday, September 1, 2022

The Latest "Snake Oil" in my Life.

 Recently, a friend (who shall not be named) accused me of falling for the latest snake oil, basically claiming my diet, exercise program, and workout ethic was enough for me, and that I didn't need t take the supplements, oils, and things I give to myself such as vinegar/baking soda baths, etc.  She stated that by me taking or using activated charcoal, I was wasting my time, effort, and money. She claimed burning my toast would be sufficient. This is the type of ignorance I would dismiss as folly and foolishness for the most part, but these words were coming from an educated woman who has by all means and ways, given up on herself.  She will purposely remind herself and others that age happens and that we should go with it. We shouldn't try to look or feel younger, we should embrace our oldness and deal with the way the chips fall! I guess she and I will have to agree to disagree!  She sees the glass half empty, so she pours out the rest and smashes the glass! I see it as half full, and top it off!

    My latest "Snake Oil" is an old one, it's a former one, I should say. About two years ago I found it, and I used it. It worked, it worked very well.  It worked so well that I overused it, I literally abused it, and it bit me squarely in the ass!  I wound up overdosing on what I know now is a real thing while using BHB salts! PLEASE BE CAREFUL IF YOU DO IT.  BHB is the ingredient so many of these new distributors are using in their Shark-Tank-approved gummies or tablets.  They claim you plop it, the fizzy tab, into 4 ounces of water, and you drink it. Well, that's what BHB salt is, a dissolvable salt that when activated with water or liquid, becomes what it is, a great supplement to one's diet and exercise program. The ins and out of it can be Googled or researched of course, but the long and short of it is, that it suppresses your appetite while simultaneously boosting your metabolism. Win-Win, right? It is until you do what I did, which was to OVER do it. Don't be like me. THINK first.

    I thought it over and realized two things. I remembered that the BHB did work for me. I also remembered that I abused it. I know that if I use it again, I will not be an idiot, and in fact, I will cut back on even the daily recommended dosage until I see results and then I'll either adjust as needed or more likely, I will keep it where it is. I can lose weight slowly, I am not opposed to that.  Having a daily routine is key to your diet and exercise program. Having a supplement that helps and you know it works, is also a benefit. Kin to using too much of anything, using BHB as a weight loss assist, can be thought of like this: if you're into Keto you do Keto things such as dropping carbs and sugar. If you're into Paleo you eat meat and other proteins. If you're not into all that, but you want a good diet and exercise program that you know will work for you, only you can determine that.  I bought a pack on Amazon, just BHB and Calcium. I can control how much I use.

    For me, I get up in the morning and stretch.  I walk the dog, write in my journal, eat breakfast around 10:00 a.m. and I either work out at 10:30 or go for a stroll. I study or work, I make a good light lunch and use a protein shake as most of that lunch. I wait until 2:30 and eat another light meal, usually a sandwich or something. I do this small meal thing to keep my metabolism going. BHB does that too, and if I only use a little of it I think (and feel) that I will be OK. If I feel or think I'm not OK, I will be the first to toss the bag into the bin and move forward.  I take my vitamins before noon and my supplements after 2:00 p.m. Around 6:00 p.m. I eat dinner and walk another 3 miles either outside or on the treadmill. I take my poopy pills, fiber through psyllium husk, around 8:00 p.m. and I drink copious amounts of water all day! By copious, I mean I drink over 100 ounces of water every day, not including my coffee or tea. I drink a heck of a lot of water.

    Some of the supplements I use are multi-vitamins, papaya enzyme, B12, Zinc, and D3 separate from the multi, Dhea, probiotics (several on a rotation basis as was suggested by my doctor) raspberry ketones, activated charcoal, and collagen. LOVE me some collagen. I use it in liquid intake, powder, and oil for my face. I use a lot of collagen, and I think it works.  What do I think about all of the other supplements? My joints don't hurt much. I mean, my knee does, but the rest of me doesn't. I have more energy than the folks around me no matter what their age. I walk 6-8 miles a day, tend to wake up with a positive attitude, and I think the world is going to Hell but I don't have to because I have hope in the future here and in Heaven. It's more about the mind really, isn't it? Using liquid Ginseng is a great additive to my routine, and I do that as well as spiking my smoothies with things such as Kacip Fatimah, Googeberry, Cranberry powder, papaya seed, sesame seed, flax seed, and more collagen. Why not? If my body doesn't need it I think it will flush it. If it does need it, if it can be used, it will absorb it.

    The probiotics I take to balance my hormones. When we get older our bodies need manual adjustments that we can't receive from just eating well. The probiotics help adjust mood hormones as well as fat-storing hormones. I stay healthier, happier, and for the most part in a great mood. Why would I want to be less than the happy, healthy person I am? If I wanted to stew in my own old and decrypted mindset, I'd be the age I am.  I think I have proven to myself and anyone around me that I have the experience and maturity of my actual age, but not the body, not the mindset, not the attitude, and not the outlook.  Call it the Peter Pan syndrome, but it's not about not growing up, it's about not growing tired or useless. It's about not throwing in the towel, giving up, and accepting the consequences of time. No, you don't have to do that. You can become a new YOU just by changing the way you eat, the way you work out, the way you think, and the way you believe. 

    Giving up sugar wasn't hard for me, I found a better life after I did.  Giving up carbs isn't something I wanted to do, so I lessened them. It's a personal choice. My personal choice is to choose to be happy or at least if I can't do that, I can find joy in my life. I can be thankful for the things I do have and the things I hope to have rather than just accepting defeat and living amongst the scabs of my past. What didn't kill you makes you stronger, so let it go and live! I am giving up negativity in all of its forms. If that means finding new friends I'll find new friends. I won't be held down or held back by would-be nay-sayers who can't choose the brilliant bright life God has chosen for them. MOVE FORWARD not inward! Let God have the reins and be totally free!  I've said it before, and I'll continue saying it, to be bound to Christ is to be truly free.  

    My latest "Snake Oil" may or may not work. If it works it stays, if it doesn't it goes away. That can be said for literally everything, and everyone in my life who determines for themselves to be painstakingly contrary, dissenting, and colorless. Bland is not tolerated. SHINE! Choose to be bright. Choose to be bold. Choose to stand out and stand up for yourself. CHOOSE to be the YOU that only YOU can be. I will continue to be me, as I am the only me I could ever be.

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