Friday, September 16, 2022

Healthy Body! Healthy Mind! Healthy Soul!

 Who says you can't have your cake and eat it too? Just buy or make two cakes! Save one if you need to, but eat it sparingly, because too much of anything great could be a problem down the road.  Moderation!!  So, today, we are talking about how you may find that eating well, exercising, and meditating can equal all the things you really need for a good and sustainable body, mind, and soul. I would say you can't have one without the other, but really, it's possible to do that. You can be really fit, but really depressed. You can be depressed but have a desire to follow Christ. Do that. If you're finding yourself depressed, sad, angry, or anxious, just think about the ways Jesus has helped you in the past. He's still in the same place, doing the same things. He's a WAY maker. He makes you a WAY to be better!

    Today is the last official day that I am off from work because I start my new employment (I don't want to say JOB because it's so much more) and I will use the day to be the best I can be. My hips have been aching since I've been walking more. I knew it might happen, so I added more turmeric to my diet. I added garlic, I added ginger, and now, because I realized (duh!) that vitamin C is an amazing anti-inflammatory, I am adding more vitamin C to everything. It's not just for flu seasons you know. Vitamin C can do so very much, and you can get it from fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges, and blueberries, but you can also buy it over the counter (or online!)  That's exactly what I did! WOW!

    I ordered a bottle of vitamin C from Amazon, and even though I saw that it had 400 tablets in the bottle and that each tablet was 500 mg of C, I didn't think about how HUGE the bottle was going to be. I guess I just thought the tablets were smaller; they are not. I should say they were not.  I have crushed them! They are now in powder form and they are now one. I have one huge bottle of vitamin C and I take about a teaspoon of the powder every day and add it to my smoothie. These smoothies, I gotta tell you, are packed full of goodness and healthy stuff. They taste fantastic and super upper fantabulous too. I'm not just making that up, believe me. I drink one for lunch every day and have for the past how many ever weeks and months. I love it.

    The average and/or typical smoothie for me looks like this:  When it's all poured out its about 15 oz, but if I make more I just drink it from the canister I blended it in and then drink the smoothie in the glass or goblet that I just poured it into. I try to make it around 15 oz every day. What's in it? Well, I'm so glad you asked. Let's start with the ingredients.

  • 1/2 cup of ice cream. I use no sugar added.
  • 1/3 cup (or so) of frozen fruit. I like them all.
  • 1/2 cup of milk (I use FairLife)
  • 1/4 cup of heavy whipping cream
  • 1/4 cup of water
and now for the powders:
  • Collagen 1 scoop
  • Protein (hemp or pea) 1 scoop
  • Tumeric 1/2 teaspoon
  • Vitamin C 1 teaspoon
  • Kacip Fatmah  1/4 teaspoon
  • BHB with Calcium 1/2 teaspoon
  • Cranberry powder 1 tablespoon
  • Papaya seed powder 1/2 teaspoon
  • Hyaluronic acid 1/2 teaspoon
  • Flax seed 1 teaspoon
The smoothies are typically around 400 calories or less, which isn't bad for lunch. A hamburger can have 1000 calories. It is thick and rich and really creamy, and with all the punch of a world-class boxer when it comes to heaving in the healthy stuff for my body! When my body is happy, my mind tends to be a bit more jovial as well. I can walk a mile or two after drinking my lunch, and that helps as well. I don't know that I'll ever get all the aches and pains out of my bones since they are sort of older, but I'm doing as much as I can, and so far it's been pretty good, pretty smooth sailin'.
    Today when I was crushing the vitamin C into the fine powder that I need, the "fumes" were cascading up into the air and I inhaled about 1000 mg of it I'm sure. My makeshift funnel worked pretty well. I rolled up a piece of paper and stuck it into the bottle, waste not, want not!  All is good in the Stringfellow home for sure. If I can find a better way to do something, to make something work better than it has, or just different in a way to make life easier, I'm gonna do it. It's the ENTJ in me. I can't stop thinking of ways to improve whatever it is that I'm having to deal with. If I am the least bit inconvenienced I try to find a better way to address the issue. I've always been that way.  My rocking pony was a sight! At the age of 4, I told my mom it needed to be raised and the springs needed to be shorter and thicker so it would be able to hold me. It was about that time I got my first real horse.

    Best of both worlds!  I have smoothies for lunch, and only one dish to clean! I mean, yeah, I have to clean the canister that I make it in, but I don't use pots or pans and I don't have silverware or multiple dishes. Just the cup! LOVE IT. Now, the next part is the prayer part. Once I have my smoothie made, and  I've walked my one or two miles, I tend to sit in my big chair and read my Scots Bible. What's a Scots Bible you ask? Well, it's a regular Bible, but it's written in the Scots language or dialect. It's not Gaelic, it's Scots. I've been studying and reading both Scots and Scots Gaelic for a couple of years. I'm getting to the point now that I rarely have to search for what a word means, but since I read the Scots Bible with my English version, I am able to decipher pretty much all the weird and quirky things they say. To give you an example: the English word for gold is gold.  Scots word for gold is gowd. The English word for fool is fool, but in Scots it is ful.  Braw = good, bonnie = pretty or nice, auld = old. It's fun to learn. It's great to know that my ancestors spoke this language and they read their Bibles this way.
    Good mind. Good body. Good soul.  Good day!! I love it when I can say that I would rather be with Jesus, curled up in a chair reading fun and strange words that describe His life, than doing just about anything else on a sunny fun Friday afternoon.  It's about 2 p.m. and I have half of my walking in for the day. I'm averaging about 6 miles a day now. I post some of it, but sometimes I just don't. I like to walk the parking lots and the lake near my house. Soon the weather will be better (cooler) and I can put in a few more steps! YEA.  Be good, and be good to yourself. You deserve to be your best friend.

Photo Credit: Me

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