Wednesday, September 7, 2022


 In America, and I know in the Southwest, we have a chain of burger restaurants that can compete with any of the big names. One of the big names that we have here in Oklahoma, is Whataburger!  I've known about and eaten at Whataburger since I was a kid, but I haven't eaten there in over 40 years. I could go into the details, but it really has nothing to do with the restaurant, and more with the company I was with when I last went. I think the burger patty was undercooked and I made a comment about it.  That was a big enough mistake that it caused a mini-riot at the table. We were all escorted out of the place, and I just never went back!

    Needless to say, that was my fault.  It was 100% on me, and no one else. I can't begin to think that my actions were out of line, the burger was undercooked. I just feel that I should have had better friends then, and I'm certainly not hanging with those same people today.  I like my dining experiences to be rather dull, thank you. I prefer to be appreciated for my business; that's what old age and maturity will do for a gal.

    We have a few Whataburger "stores" as we call them, in our city. There is one literally less than a mile from my place, and though it really isn't all that easy to get to, it is seen all the time as I drive by it nearly every day of the week. If I go to Target it is across the street. If I go down the road I see it to my right or my left depending on which direction I'm going. (I almost said depending on the side of the road I'm driving on as if I really had a choice! I'm in America! We are on the right, you know. Or at least, we should be.)  If I'm going North I see it. If I'm going South I see it. I see this particular Whataburger all the time. That was my point.

    One of the reasons I don't stop in and pick up a burger (and fries) is because I am on a rather strict diet, but I do find myself stopping by Braum's Ice Cream and Dairy, so I could If I wanted to, switch it up and go to Whataburger now and again. Well, today was that day! Laura and I were out getting crickets, which is something we do a couple of times each week, and we decided that on our way back home we would stop at Whataburger! WHAT? That's right! We decided to live on the edge, do things a bit differently, and that is HUGE when you live with a Taurus! OMG...OMG...I was able to talk Laura (LAURA) into going to a different restaurant! WOW. Again, I say, WOW.  If you live with a Taurus, you may understand.

    Because I'm one of those "Go big or go home" types, I ordered the big fat juicy double bacon and bleu cheese burger. Yes, I did! It will be there tomorrow too, as I cut it in half. There was NO WAY I could eat that entire burger in one setting. If you think you've seen big burgers in American diners you may have because Americans like to over-serve, but Whataburger has an enormous burger in the Bacon Bleu Cheese Burger. Do it. I double dog dare you. It's amazing!!  They added just enough Bleu Cheese, not too overwhelming. I had the tomatoes removed, I'm not really a fan. I know, that's crazy since I love ketchup.  I will never really understand that. Laura ordered the simple Bacon Burger and both of us bought the meal which comes with fries and a drink. Unsweetened tea for me!! They do, however, have a Banana Pudding Shake! No, I'm not kidding. They do.

    I didn't see how big the burger was until I got home with it. I was eating my fries before they got cold when I reached into the bottom of my brown paper sack and almost couldn't lift the burger out of the bag! It was a good 3-4 inches thick and over seven inches across. This is a monster burger. Yeah, I cut it in half. There is a meal just waiting for me tomorrow. I can't do that with fries. I can't eat cold fries. Some people can. I am not one of those people. I also hate too much salt on my fries, and I'm told that in the UK I don't have to worry about that! Good. Here in the USA, we are over-salters....absolutely over-the-top over-salters. We have better ice here though. That's a gimme. We have that crunchy good chunky ice that you can just sit back and chew on. You don't even have to have a drink with it. Just ice. There are a few gagillion of us who do that.

    So you know, the big thing about Whataburger is the fact that the burgers are cooked over an open broil flame. They are not heated in a machine or fried on a flat steel grill, they are subjected to flame and it makes a huge huge difference in the way they taste. I'm going to say it, and Braum's won't like me for saying it, but Whataburger is going to be my go-to for Cheat Days. I will stop by Braum's for ice cream, not gonna lie about that, but yeah, the burger is better at Whataburger. Why have I been denying myself this precious commodity for so long? Dummy. No words.

    Let's see if I can put the nutritional facts here for you so you can understand what you're subjecting yourself to if you come here and order a double Bacon Bleu Cheese Burger.  Hold on to your hats. These are approximate, and I'm getting the information from the website 

  • Calories 1250
  • Carbs   68
  • Fats 37
  • Sodium 1910
  • Sat. Fat  13
  • Sugar 12
So, all in all, not good for you. Just sayin'. I don't endorse this burger for a healthy lifestyle. It is, however, an amazing treat and you may deserve to give yourself a break if you're able to do so without harming your body or your diet. If you need to ask your doctor before you indulge in this sort of crazy, you should do that. Best of fun and food!  Enjoy! If you are from the UK and you come to this part of the world, I would say you owe it to yourself to do this.  My meal was $12 USD.

Photo Credit: Whataburger. 

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