Sunday, August 28, 2022

Hemp Away!

 I was today years old when I found out about Hemp protein. Why? Why am I always one of the last to know about really great products that have been both on the market for years and they have been serving and helping others for that long if not longer? Hemp seeds are sometimes controversial due to the fact that they are associated with marijuana, but that plant and its products are now legal in many states. You can eat it, you can chew it, you can smoke it, you can bake your brownies if you want to. I think there is still a limit on sharing your "product" with others, and you can't have a garage full of it or the plants themselves. Those types of things are frowned upon unless you go the distance and get your license(s). I don't think that will happen to me.

    I will however imbibe in the whole holistic habit of bettering my body by using hemp protein for both weight loss and muscle building. I'm rather excited and expectant about my new form; I don't mind trying new powders and proteins to create the best results. The other day I ran across a blog post of a woman who was really fit and I just fell in love with her muscle structure because her body shape and design resembled my own, and I know that if I work hard, eat correctly, exercise, rest, and do what I'm supposed to do, I could end up with the form I want! It's doable! It's a goal, something I can set and look forward to. It's an achievement and no one loves reaching a personal goal more than I do. I kick my own butt, I don't need anyone else doing that for me. 

    If I set a goal, if I set my mind to something, you don't have to worry about it, just consider it done. I may have to patiently wait for time to catch up, but the deed is done, and I will prevail. I am nothing if not persistent, and that goes triple for myself. I am the one person I want to impress. I don't care what everyone or anyone else thinks, I want my approval! This is going to be great. I can already tell. I've been reading about it, I've searched the internet, and asked people at the health stores, I'll call my doctor on Monday to get her opinion. My dermatologist told me that she's been using hemp protein and drops for over three years and she dropped another 14-16 pounds when she did! She is younger than me, but still had that baby fat to get rid of - she believes the hemp protein was a key factor in that loss! I hope so.

    According to health experts, doctors, medical studies, and more, hemp protein is an awesome way to get your body full of antioxidants, magnesium, and more than 20 amino acids in fact, and it has a good amount of fiber as well. Love my fiber. Just be careful not to overdo the fiber thing and end up stopped up, that's not fun. Water, water, and more water. The thing is, I drink about 100 ounces or more of water every day, so that's not been an issue, but I wanted to put it out there for people who don't drink as much as I do.  Hemp protein also provides essential fats such as Omega 3 and Omega 6.  You can't get high or intoxicated with hemp powder, though it does have a tiny bit of THC, it's not even close to the illegal limit, and the powers that it carries outweigh the negative nellies trying to be all religious on you. Go with science, the Bible never says a word about plant-based foods being bad for you. That being said, some plants are poisonous and you should know about that as well. Stay away from Bella Donna. Just sayin'. 

    Hemp powder is readily available at your stores, or it should be. I order mine on Amazon, but Trader Joe's has a pound canister for around $22.  I didn't see much of a difference between that brand and the one I ordered, but there was a price difference. I'm going to see what I think about the powder first before I try out different brands. I think I'm going to add my collagen to it obviously, and I'll use it for 30 days to see what, if any, differences I can see. This is gonna be one of those times when I do step on the scale just to see if there was a difference. I hate the scale and I said I wasn't going to step on it again, but I think I will so I can see if the product is playing a role in the transformation of this new body of mine. I hope it does. I'd love to say it was the key that opened the door to my success! I really would love to say that. Something has to give. I've been dieting and exercising like a mad woman for two years. I'd like to see more results than I am.

    The best thing about the new hemp protein powder is that I'm so new to it I don't have any prejudiced thoughts about it. It will be whatever it is. Some say it tastes funny, but I like grass. I don't know if I have ever said that, I think I have blogged about it. McDonald's unsweetened tea tastes like ice-cold grass in water, and I love it. I mean, I LOVE THE HECK OUT OF IT. So yeah, this shouldn't be a problem. I also like black licorice; you can make of that whatever you will. I think the hemp protein is going to be a friend. I will welcome it into my house, into my body, and then I will report the results. Heck, if they're really good results, I may post pictures! OMG! 

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