Wednesday, August 24, 2022

First Day Back to the YMCA!

 Officially, I suppose I started back yesterday when I paid for the membership, but yeah, today was my first day to work out at the YMCA again. I've been doing an at-home thing, walking, lifting, using the vibration plate, etc. I've been slacking off since it was so hot, and I had the book in my head, thinking I needed to work on it. I'm just being lazy is all it really amounts to. I make excuses as to why I don't need to muster up the power I need to walk across the street and work out like I should. Today is a different day. I went to the two different YMCAs that I am close to at home and the office. I only took a tour of both places before settling in to actually work out, but it was nice to get the layout and the motivation needed to make it happen.

    Bethany, OK has a YMCA that is really old and by old I mean it was there before I used it as a kid. It is parked right next to the Bethany Library.  When I was five or six I would leave the house and climb over a neighbor's fence to walk the mile to them both. Since I wasn't an actual member of the YMCA at that time, the ladies there only let me stay about 10-15 minutes when I'd show up. If I snuck in the back door I could go swimming, and they knew I was there. It was pretty obvious. I was the kid not wearing a swimsuit. I was still wearing my shorts and my t-shirt. I did take my shoes off! (That is if I had shoes on to begin with. It was a 50/50 chance, really.)

    Today when I went to the Bethany YMCA I looked around to see what all had changed since back in the day. The walls are the same, and some of the doors. The entire interior was a bit updated, and I could tell that the paint was going to be redone soon, but most of it was about the same as it was.  I didn't need to go see the pool, I don't think I'll really use it much. I may use it in the winter, I don't know. We'll see. I don't do laps. I only run in place and if everyone else would rather I didn't do that, I'm OK not doing that. I can take my turn on the leg press, the calf extension, the shoulder extension, the pec fly, and maybe the hip extension. I do like to row, and I do like to ride the recumbent bike. I don't do the treadmill because I can walk the parking lots, but when it rains I'll find my way over to one or the other gym to walk I'm sure.  I need my 10,000 steps!

    After viewing the Bethany Y I decided to use it on odd days from when I'm at the office, maybe Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Then I'll hit the home Y, the one across the street nearly every night, and either do a re-cap or just a few hanging squats on the rack. I think most people call them TRX rigs, but we just call it the rack here, so I'll stick with that. We say rings too, but they are more like hand stirrups if you think about it. I do about 50 squats, and 50 pulls, and then I die.  I die so I won't have to face the battle ropes. I didn't die hard enough today because they were handed to me. The personal trainer is a bit of a bear! I can't say he's a bastard, I know his father - - I mean, I'm his mother, so yeah, I should know his father. It would only make sense.

    Baby Boy can't be with me every night, but tonight was special, it was my first night back you know. He wanted to see it to believe it. Since he's a real live Drill Sgt in real life I take advantage of his meanness when I can. It pays off in the end, and I guess in the legs, arms, hips, calves, and chest too. LOL. That was funny. I made myself laugh. I do that. You don't have to laugh if you don't want to, I'm OK with that. 

    OK, so it's back to the gym for me, and I'll be walking with the workout. I don't know if I can get the 10,000 in plus the workout, but I will try. I can live with 7500-8000 and a good 30-40 minute stint.  Tonight, the first night back, I think we did 28-30 minutes. We basically went around the gym and decided which machines to use. The YMCA has changed out the good machines for what they say are even better ones, but they are much older I think. Then again, when you think about it, I'm older and I'm far better than so many young ones! Again, no, you don't have to laugh, I'm doing that for you.

    Viva la sweat!!

Photo Credit: Me!

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