Saturday, August 27, 2022

Work Outs With Weights.

 Just about everyone knows by now that muscles weigh more than fat, but there are still those who don't realize that the muscles also help with the lowering of calorie intake as they are constantly working in your body while fat basically just sits there. When you have more fat you move less, it makes sense. When you have more muscles you move more, that makes sense. The muscles burn more calories even when they are not being activated, which should also make sense. The best solution for anyone (not only in my opinion) to burn calories and also fat in our bodies, is to move, to build up those muscles, and to do this on a regular and consistent basis. You can't expect miracles without the work. That, in particular, makes sense.

    There are so many ways to build these muscles. We can run, we can walk, we can lift, we can push, we can pull, we can hang, and we can resist. We don't have to look or think about looking like a monster in order to get the desired sculptured body (form) that we want. We all come in different packages, and we need to be aware of this fact before we go off trying to kid ourselves about what we can achieve. Achieve what you can, achieve what you believe is possible, but never expect something to happen that isn't possible because that mental anguish can stop you in the future from achieving any goal you set. In other words, do yourself a favor and know yourself, figure it out, so that you're not setting yourself up for failure. Set yourself up for success!

    Me? Well, let's see. I'm of European descent. I am 5'6" tall or just over, so that makes me right at 168 cm or so.  I currently weigh more than I want to, so I won't post that here, but there was a time when I weighed 216 pounds or nearly 100 kg! I think I would much rather say 100 kg than 216 pounds! One hundred and sixty-eight cm sounds so much taller than five foot six inches, too!  I began my weight loss journey on August 3, 2020, and I've not looked back. I've had a few tiny setbacks, times when I didn't go to the gym or eat properly, but for the most part, well over 80% of the time, I've been pretty good about my diet, my exercise program, my mental state, and my persistent methods of keeping the weight off that I have lost. I've lost over 50 pounds, but I'm not where I want to be.

    I thought I was there once. I was able to slip into my daughter's jeans for the first time ever, and I walked around the house telling her I was going to raid her closet until I realized I didn't really like what she had in it. She and I don't wear the same styles, but it was incredibly satisfying to be able to fit into her jeans and say I've achieved at least THAT in my program.  I decided (stupidly) to step on the scales, thinking I would be close to her weight as well. I was so incredibly wrong! What I saw, the number that flashed before me, was so high, so very much higher than I had even expected it to be, and I just nearly broke down crying. I was devastated the entire weekend over having stepped onto that scale. Here I was flying high from the emotional lift of wearing her jeans, only to come crashing down to the ground. I wanted to throw the scales out the damn window! How could that thing lie to me that way?

    What had happened was simple. I had lost inches and built muscles. I hadn't lost weight. Weight is a number. We need to remember that. We shouldn't be all that worried or bothered with numbers unless it's your BMI or your blood sugar number if you're diabetic. Those numbers count. Muscles build your mind, they build your soul, they build your spirit, they build your body, and yes, they build your weight count. Don't step on the scales. Just work out, eat correctly, rest, and love yourself. Buy the clothes that fit, and feel great about yourself. Why intentionally harm your mind over something less important in the first place?

    What I'm doing, and have been doing, is a daily workout from home, while I watch Jason Bond, my Scots Gaelic tutor, or while I watch Steven Hart, my Forex money trading coach. I lift 8-pound weights and watch, or I stand in front of the monitor and do Zercher-style squats with an empty bar. I think it weighs 10 pounds. I can't do the full squat due to my knee, but I go as far as I can.  We spend so much time in the chair at the monitor, we could also be using that time while we watch something. If you have to use your hands to type that's different, but if you don't, if you're just watching something, even if it's only for a few minutes, pick up the weights, the kettlebell, or the empty weight bar and just work out while your watch. Time builds on time, and your body will feel it and show it.

    When I was younger I was a sandlot barrel racer. I didn't really compete, but I had a horse and we went around barrels.  To say I've hit a few would be an understatement, but I was never thrown. I was thrown when I was 8 and I was thrown when I was 51, so I thought I was God's gift to riding. The thing is, I hit cans with my knees (mostly my right) and I've hit my hips a few times too, so now my right hip and my right knee like to remind me that I'm not 22, I'm not as thin as I was, and I'm not ever going to really be that person again, but I can be the best I can be at this age and at this time. I see people my age at the store who are barely walking, trying to survive another day, and my heart breaks for them. It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to figure out that not moving, not exercising, eating poorly, and not getting the rest (less stress) can be dangerously damaging. You'll pack on 20 years, not just the pounds! STOP THE MADNESS!

    Figure out before it's too late to do something about it, that you need to move to get the blood pumping. More and more evidence is being presented medically that moving, exercising, a good diet, and better care such as not smoking, not drinking, and not adding heavy metals to your body, will lower if not eliminate cancers, diabetes, and more. You really can eat your way to a better life. You really can exercise your way into a better life. You are the one who makes that decision for yourself. Don't let a spouse, a friend, a kid, a neighbor, an employer or anyone else say otherwise. They live their life. They deal with their body. YOU are YOU and can only do what you can for yourself.  You deserve to be the best you possible. 

    If you only have a few hours in your week where you're watching TV or a YouTube video, you can do squats. You can run in place. You can lift weights.  You don't have to go to the gym to get this done. I like the gym for the machines, for the resistance I get with them. I like the gym for the hanging rack (TRX) or the battle ropes, which I have at home and don't use. I like the gym for the simple fact that I am not distracted by whatever or whoever is inside my house. I can step away for 30-40 minutes and get done what needs to be done, but if you don't have a gym, you can get all the running or walking done in the 3x3 foot area around your computer. You can lift, you can squat, you can crunch, you can do cheers. I'd say dance, but you need more space. Cheerleading is fun! Your dogs and cats will love you for it.

    So, to reiterate. MOVE. LIFT. SQUAT. You can even do wall pushups where you stand away from the wall, and do push-ups against the wall, slowly, allowing the resistance. It's fun, it's cheap, and it works. Believe me, and people say this all the time, if I can do it, you can do it. If you need to ask your doctor before you start a physical exercise program or diet, that's a good plan! Be safe, and have fun. Be YOU.


    This is a Zercher-style squat. You can do it with or without weight. You don't have to go all the way down. Do what you can, and build on that.

Photo Credit:

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