Saturday, December 3, 2022

Coconut Oil is Your Friend.

 Remember, I'm not a physician. I am not licensed medically in any way. I wanted to state that plainly before going forth with the suggestions and/or information that is NOT to be used as medical advice. Have I covered that part sufficiently? I think I have, OK, let's move forward, shall we?

    I use coconut oil for a few things and I have used it for centuries. Wow, I can't believe I just told you the ultimate secret to my long life. Well, there it is folks; it's coconut oil. Pure and simple. No, really, pure and simple coconut oil. Don't be fooled by any imitation! Use the real stuff. It works. What does coconut oil do for you? It all depends on how you use it, and if you have bad drains in your house or flat, another bit of advice would be to rub the oil on your body AFTER you bathe, but if you have a good drainage system, you can add a tablespoon of the oil to your bath every night. Again, let me say professionally, I am also not a plumber. I write. That's what I do. I write things. I also work as a support for a really cool trading company, but that's also not a qualification for telling you how to use coconut oil. Be aware.

    So, coconut oil has some amazing properties. I'll leave a link here for you to read about it:  This particular article tells you 23 reasons why you can eat coconut oil straight off a spoon and be OK. Some of the benefits include, but are not limited to: heart health, weight loss, and prostate reduction (I don't really have a prostrate, but hey, some of my readers do.) It helps with energy, metabolism, and satiety, and of course, it helps with moisturizing your skin whether you eat it or rub it all over your body.  By the way, rubbing it all over your body when you're with someone you love offers an entirely different benefit that isn't mentioned in the article. It is, however, a fun and healthy way to enjoy the oil. Just sayin'.

    Coconut oil stimulates your metabolism, making you feel fuller and giving you the energy to complete the activities of the day (or night) you can use coconut oil in cooking, substituting it into your food rather than using other oils. Don't get me wrong, other oils such as virgin olive oil are good for you too. You can overdo the coconut in some cases, and that could also lead to some issues that aren't all that pleasant, so be sure and read up on side effects as well as benefits. One notable side effect that can happen is a looser stool if you take in too much. Just keep that in mind. Look at me being all Mom!  (Eat your veggies too!!)

    Why am I so excited about coconut oil? I've already told you. It's changed my life from the dull and boring woman I was (not true, I've never actually been boring or dull) into the svelte and happy soul that I am. I am actually over 480 years old; coconut oil has seen me through the Revolutionary War, Culloden before that, and the skirmishes that took place just outside my village south of Edinburgh back in the 16th Century.  Craig and I, my Highland husband, have seen it all. He's been using coconut oil for some of the aforementioned reasons and let me tell you, being able to say I've kept this man for over 390 years, speaks volumes about the true effects (and affects) that coconut oil can and does have on a body. Craig's prostrate is fine; no really, it's fine, really fine.

    All kidding and nonsense aside, I've literally been singing the praises of the oil of my choice for years. I am getting back to it for weight loss purposes. I had stopped eating it for some reason. I haven't ever stopped using it as a body moisturizer, and I've never stopped using it in my cooking, but for some reason, I stopped adding it to my coffee and tea. If you do that, it also acts as a natural lip balm, again, just sayin', your lips will not be cracky and ugly if you add coconut oil to your hot drinks. (Tip: it won't dissolve in cold drinks.) I even add it to my hot cocoa and let me just say that will light up your face, change your mind, and make you do a dance you've not done in a very long time. The dance is good. Try that, and see if I'm lying. If I'm lying I'm crying! Good good stuff!

    OK, well, read the above article for me, and go out and buy yourself a bottle or bucket of coconut oil. I buy mine in bulk at the Apothecary site, here's the link for that:  I use it in my soap making too. I'm telling you, this stuff will make you question everything you've ever been told about anything that kept you down. Boost that joy! Boost that smile on your face. Rub a little, eat a little, that came out completely different than I thought it would - - sorry, still thinking about Craig I suppose. Here's the blog about the man just in case you were wondering who I go on about in my dreams and when I need a smirk on my face.  ENJOY your day!!  Enjoy your fat loss. Enjoy your energy. Enjoy your new life.

NOTE: I have decided to give up coffee for the month of December (2022) and if it works out for me I'll stop it altogether. I'm doing gunpowder and/or Yerba Mate tea with coconut oil. We'll see if it works. Of course, I know it will.

Photo Credit: 

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