Friday, December 2, 2022

Yerba Mate! OK! New Never Hurt.

 I'm one of THOSE people who will find out about a new thing, which is usually not new at all, but has been served for centuries. I'll find out about it, and then I'll just research it to the hilt, try it, and then tell everyone what I think about it. I'm going to do that again, but I'll have to wait until I get it delivered to my door before I can. It's Yerba Mate (mau-tay) tea, and there are Yerba Mate extract pills as well! Yes, there are. So, why am I trying this? (Them?)  Weight loss, of course. I'm now being sucked into the vortex that is the internet, which is telling me that all my worries and concerns will be completely eliminated if I just drink more Yerba Mate tea, and if I take a couple of Yerba Mate extract pills every day. So, here I go.

    According to the studies it (they) is/are good for me, and yes, I do read them, I'm not going to pop pills of any sort or drink teas of any leaf without first researching. I have the benefit of using both Google and my kid, since my kid has been thinking about drinking it and using it, and she's in contact with a nutritionist who recommends Yerba Mate to her patients who are wanting to shed pounds quickly. Sad news however, the kid can't drink it or take it as it has higher dosages of caffeine. She'll dry up and freak out like no other, and we really don't want to do the whole staying-at-the-hospital-all-night again. She'll have to do this the really old fashioned way, which is to just eat less calories, work out, and drink more water. I'll do that too, but I'll include the Yeba Mate as well. I can (I think) handle the caffeine.

    There was a product that I used last year that kicked my butt to the side of the road and then left it there to die a horrible and slow death. It was BHB (a KETO thing) and let me tell you, it slapped me something silly. I was over the top gone, but in their defense, I was the idiot who overused it. I literally overdosed on the stuff and didn't mean to. If I had died it would have been an accidental overdose, and what a sad thing for my friends and family to have to deal with. So, I'm telling you that so you'll be aware, and you can do your own research before putting things into your mouth and gut that can cause you to end up on your face in the hallway trying to make it to the bed to die with dignity.

    MCT oil is another thing that I tried that was too hard for me. You can achieve the same result however, I can anyway, by adding coconut oil to your coffee or tea. It's not as gross as it sounds. I swear, it really helps with both digestion and keeping your satiety levels up a bit. I love it. I put coconut oil in my morning coffee, as well as using collagen powder. That coffee is really dressed up, let me tell you. If you were to buy a coffee like that at a specialty shop you'd pay $10 a day for a 12 oz cup of Joe with all the crap I put into mine.  Well, I mean, it's just coffee, heavy cream, collagen and coconut oil, but that would cost you a bit if you ordered it. I don't do that. I like to keep my money in my bank a bit longer. I think the last time I bought a coffee outside of the house was in 2018. Dang. I just realized that's almost 5 years ago. Well, well, well...we are getting older, aren't we?

    So, the Yerba Mate is something like the Matcha in that is full of antioxidants, it's really good for you, it has enough umpf to get you through the day, and maybe you won't feel all jittery like you would if you had the same caffeine equivalent as you would if you drank the amount of coffee you would need to meet the levels that are in the Yerba Mate. I'm not sure exactly how many grams or whatever you call measurements of caffeine, we'll say grams, but you can get more for your buck with Yerba Mate than you can with coffee. I never really like dissing coffee, because I have a love thing going on with the brown brew, but let's be honest, I'm not the brightest bulb in the box - - I could be wrong about things; could be. I didn't say I was.

    There are those typical 30-day challenges out there that I may do when I do get the Yerba Mate delivered. I will do the whole photo thing but I don't think I'll post them since I don't show my body off really. When I do get down to the size I want to be and the belly is flat, the boobs lifted, and my daughters are screaming at me for stealing their clothes, then I'll post a few things. Until then, you'll have to wonder. (Don't put yourself out, I'm about average.) Be safe, be kind, and be diligent. You deserve the research to be done before you embark on any new adventure. Don't be like me. Be like you! 

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