Sunday, January 1, 2023

Boiled Lemons and Tea...and Stuff.

 Most of you know I'm always watching what I eat except when I'm not, right? I'm back on track, and just because it's the first of the year, I thought to myself, "Why not do what everyone else is doing?"  So, here I am searching the internet for ways to lose belly fat, ways to tone up the body, ways to drop a few pounds (OK, 30), and ways to be the best and the healthiest I can be...right? Yeah, that's me!! That's exactly what I have been doing all day with the possible exceptions of living, breathing, cleaning my apartment, shopping for groceries, making cashew butter, and reading. I have to read. If I don't read I'll shrivel up and die. I must read.

    It just seemed that everyone and their K9 was doing the whole "Drink this at bedtime and you'll wake up thin" sort of thing. I hadn't really put any stock into it. I thought sounded like a bunch of hooey, to use a phrase from Perry Mason. I thought the whole thing was a made-up shenanigan that people liked to post and say they tried it, and they'll be like, "Oh hey, look at me...I lost 50 pounds in a week drinking a tea made up of boiled lemons, ginger, garlic, and apple cider vinegar"....don't forget the honey. If you forget the honey you really will hate yourself.  Since everyone else was doing it I thought I would go ahead and try it, go ahead and do it, and then keep track of it for say a month. I can do anything for a month. If I don't lose at least 10 pounds in the month of January, I may or may not continue to make this "tea".

   So you know, my "tea" has actual tea in it. I boiled the lemons in 2 cups of water for 4 minutes like the recipes all say to do.  Apparently, it's the pectin and the peels that do most of the work here.  I added garlic, ginger, apple cider vinegar, and honey, but alas...I also added turmeric and then I poured the mix over a tea bag of Yerba Mate tea! Yes, I did!! Oh, you know that's gonna make all the difference in the world now! I'll have to let you know if it does because this is literally Day 1 of this experiment. I was going through a 30-day thing in December where I stopped drinking coffee in the morning and just drank Yerba Mate tea, and well, it lasted 2 days. No, not kidding. I did more research on it and coffee isn't bad for you -- not the one cup I drink anyway.

    I drink a cup of strong coffee in the morning with heavy whipping cream, then I start on the Yerba Mate tea for most of the day. I switch to either green tea or fizzy water, no sugar, just the Buble, LaCroix, or my new buddy, Polar something...found it at Winco.  I drink water with lemon from about 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. and now, as it's getting fairly close to 9 p.m., I'm doing the boiled lemon tea with all the stuff I think can help me squeeze off these last blobs of fat that happen to still be attached to my midsection. I'm not going to show you .... not until I'm able and fitting into that Princess Leah costume I bought in the early 80s...then, when it's fairly attractive to do so, I'll either CGI the thing, or actually don one to blow the minds of any and everyone who didn't believe this boiled lemon thing could do the trick! Ha!

    Day 1 folks.  Day 1 is always exciting. It's full of hope. If it really does work I'll be the first to shout it out, educate, and pull people by their earlobes to force them to listen to me. I'm not putting a bunch of stock into it. I just think it may have some effect. I'm hoping it does. I'm really hoping that all these doctors, nutritionists, and other medical folk aren't out there misleading the masses as they so often do. I want this to be real. I want this to be real for me, but I also want this to be real for anyone who can't afford to go to the fancy-schmancy fat farms and be "treated".  I am one of those who simply can't afford it. I have to do this on the go as I go.

    Tomorrow I should have the stretchy figure-8 thing that I bought off Amazon to help me stretch the shoulders and get rid of back flab. I'll post a photo and you can tell me if you have tried them. I'm currently working on weight training, doing the vibration plate, walking, boxing, dancing, and watching my calorie intake. We all know the "secret" is that there is no secret. You take in fewer calories than you burn, and you'll lose weight.  You have a calorie deficit of 3500 calories for one pound lost. It's's Science. It is what it is, and we all just have to live with it. So what does this boiled lemon water thing do? It's a cleanser. Oh...yeah...that. It gets the poop out.  It's all about the the end. (hahahaha) It's all about the poop in the beginning too. You have to be clean to be healthy. Wax on, wax this case, lemons in, poop out.

    Let the games begin!  I'll not keep you posted on a day-in and day-out basis. I'll likely go a week and see if I'm still doing it. I'll go a week and see if I'm fitting better in my clothes even before I weigh myself. I don't weigh myself because I think I weigh less than I do, and when I see that I don't I become upset. I will wait until I am literally falling out of my clothes, then I'll weigh myself. If I am still up there, and weighing more than I think I should, I won't cry that much. I'll just say its muscle and move forward. I'm the biggest baby about that. No, really...the worst. I hope to be writing to you in a week to say it's working!!  Cross your fingers, but I don't need luck. I have prayer.

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