Friday, January 13, 2023

Juice For Two Meals a Day.

 I don't know how long I will keep it up, but for now, the past five days anyway, I have been substituting juice for my breakfast meal and my lunch meal. To be honest with you, and I actually do mean this, I don't miss not eating "food".  I don't snack as much by any means, and by the time I look up and realize it's 6:00 p.m., I think to myself I don't really even have to eat dinner if I don't want to. I've been doing a sort of Greek style dinner lately where I have olives, cheese, a bit of meat, and no bread. I know the Greeks (and all of us) love bread, but I do this sort of thing where I have a small plate and just sort of stack a few things on it for dinner. It's been working.

    I can't tell you if I've lost weight, I think I have. I don't weigh myself and I'm not going to do that again, not until I absolutely KNOW I am where I want to be. The last few times I've thought I was lower than I should be, I weighed, only to see that I am NOT where I thought I would be, and all the hopes and dreams that I had carried in my heart and head went right out the proverbial window! It was just devastating to me, so now I don't actually count the numbers I work on the sizing. If I fit better in my clothes that's enough for me.

    The grocery store that I go to in order to get my fruits and vegetables is Winco. It has an amazing bulk section as well, but I'm going for the produce at this point. I can literally walk in (trying to ignore the sales they have placed up front on deli meats) and I can go straight to the produce section, grab the plastic bags, fill them with goodness from God's Earth and move on over to the self check out. It's so efficient, I approve. Being an ENTJ, I am really all about efficiency. If I can get in, get what I need and get out, I'm good. I do love to shop, don't get me wrong, but there are times when shopping can be scary! I'll end up spending way more than I need to.

    Today's juice for breakfast was cucumber, apple, and parsley. A lot of people have no idea how good parsley is for your health. Google that! It's one of those secret things that can make an incredible difference in your life. It's cheap, it's easy, it's fast to absorb in your body, and the benefits are amazing!  Lunch will be 1/2 a cantaloupe, carrots and probably a bit of spinach. I like to add both fruits and vegetables to the mix, as well as adding my "extras".  If I can balance the world in a cup that's what I'm going to do.

    If you go online and search "Can I lose weight by juicing" you'll find a great number of articles and facts resulting in your head probably spinning in a million directions. There's so many things to read and study. ALWAYS ask your doctor before going into a new routine. Juicing may or may not be good for your personally. It is great for me. Some of the articles boast about people losing 10 pounds a week, 3 pounds a day, that sort of rot! If that is true then the truth is that these people had so very much to lose, and most of it is water weight. You have to use your brain on that one. Juicing is amazing for you, and it is good for losing weight because it's lower in calories and fills you with sustainable fiber so you feel fuller and you don't eat more junk.  Yes, it can and will help you lose weight, but you need to do it correctly, and don't forget to exercise.

    I've got a book to write, so I'll let you go, but I wanted to stop by and let you see that I'm up to yes-good as opposed to no-good. I'm working on a new book, I'm trying to juice and become a healthier person for myself, and if others notice, well, that's good too, right? Woo Hoo!

Photo Credit: Me

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