Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Daily Update: Juicing Again

 I'm going to try and do an online diary for now, and if it works out it works out. I'll try to keep it going, and if I mess up and miss a day or so, I apologize in advance. I don't know how many of you are actually reading this. I've had to disable the comments because of some rude things that some have said. I loved the fun comments, and the comments of encouragement, but you always get those people who are just out to be mean and that's just who they are. I don't want my other viewers or readers to be subjected to them, so I have disabled the comments. If you want to write to me you can, my email is: jude.stringfellow1961@gmail.com.  I can try to promise to write back, but with so many emails a day, work, and whatnot, I may be slower than I want to be about responding. Still, I'll try.  You can also follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/judestringfellowauthor/  (I don't follow EVERYONE back, but if you're nice and kind, I will.)

    So, today is the first day back on the juicing diet. I'm going to try and substitute at least one meal a day with a juice, and maybe two if I can get my head around it. I need to lose 30 pounds and I want to lose 40 but I know that's not really realistic. I am a woman, not a girl, not a child. I have thicker bones now....dang it. I stand 5'7" tall (almost) and my frame is supposed to be packing on between 137-176 pounds. I am over that. I am around 180, but the really good news is, a lot of it is muscle. The really bad news is, a lot of it isn't! I still have the big boobs, the big belly, and a good amount of back fat as well. I'm a very typical "apple" shaped person, so even when I do lose the weight, I could end up being rounder in the middle than I really want to be. It is what it is, and I'm not going to fight nature. I will complain about it, though.

    Today's morning juice is carrot, apple, beet greens, and my extras. When I say my extras I am going to always add the same things. They are: (about a dropper of each) Black walnut/wormwood with clove, gingerroot, marshmallowroot, D3, gensing, and collagen. I add activated charcoal too, about a tsp of it.  I won't say all the ingredients each day, I'll just say "the add ons" or the "extras" because they will remain the same.  Today I added cinnamon as well since it's a great apple and carrot juice. The beet greens are soooooo good for you. If you haven't studied up on beets you're really going to be surprised just how great they are for your gut and blood.

    This is the first day after taking the black walnut and wormwood complex with clove.  It should be exciting. I'm really hoping to see worms and maggots because that way I can explain my fat! I can say "Yeah, there's the reason!!" and just blame the parasites that have been living inside of me. If there aren't any I would be really surprised. I think we all carry them with us. I want them out, and I want evidence of them being out. I know that's gross, but let me just say "better out than in", right? Right! 

    I'm actually a rather healthy person, and I have been for years. When I was a kid I was sick and that's really the only time in my life I was down for the count for more than just a day or so. I've had Covid, I've had the flu 100 times. I've survived all of that, and living in Oklahoma, I do have allergies. I find that the one thing I can't really get over is the "exercised induced" asthma, that only crops up when I exercise more than I should, and when the bout of Covid hit me. It was the only time in my life I had to use an inhaler. Not fun. I really do pray for those who have to use them on a daily or more often basis. It's not a good thing to not be able to breathe deeply when you want to. Jesus has been so very protective of me and I truly am grateful for that.

    The juice for lunch will be a mix of green apple, carrots, spinach and extras. I may even throw in rosemary for flavor. You just never know. I drink green tea throughout the day, and yes, I had my one cup of coffee in the morning. I drink lemon water from about 5 p.m. to about 11 p.m. and sleep a good full 8 hours. Sleep is so important, it really is.  I may start telling you my dreams too. They've been really good lately.  Enjoy! If you want to follow me on Instagram please do, you can comment there. Bye!!

UPDATE:  (This could be gross, so skip it if you don't want to know about poop)

    The poop was both generous and bulbous. It was full of particles of the nuts and raisins I ate yesterday. I have a homemade trailmix that I eat. There was evidence of either pinworms or specs of something. I don't know if it was pieces of the nuts or if it was in fact parasites. I will continue to monitor, but I will say that the volume of the poop was in fact significant. Again, I apologize if this information is "too much" but this is a blog about my diet and the results of the supplements taken. 

Photo Credit: Me

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