Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Casein Protein - - Trying it.

 This will likely be a shorter blog. It's just to let you know that I'm trying a different type of protein drink, one that I will be taking at night rather than during the day. I'm not sure about it, and I haven't done as much research as I probably should have done, but here we go.  It's called CASEIN protein, and it differs from whey protein and others as it is much slower to metabolize in your system, thus giving you a better chance of burning fat and having energy for a longer period of time. Since most people who take it are athletes and need t0 maximize their energy levels, it was suggested and/or recommended by their doctors to take the protein shakes in the evening or nighttime in order to provide their bodies with a longer period of the needed energy-burning source.  Sounds interesting, doesn't it? Burn fat while you sleep?

    So, to be honest with you, I didn't do the required months of study, I merely read about 10 articles on the matter then I talked to a couple of friends and/or people I know who have been doing this.  Seems to be working so far, in that I do feel a bit more energized when I wake up; whereas I would usually wake up and feel tired and even sore from having slept wrong. I find myself moving a bit more in my sleep, and I find myself dreaming rather more sustainable "story" type dreams. I don't know if that's from the Casein or not, but the last two days I've had long dreams that have a story-type beginning, middle, end, and plot. Maybe it's because I'm writing in my waking life, but I'm not writing about going hunting with friends and talking about having voted for which pep club is the better one of a group of high schools that I don't attend, never having attended, and never will attend. I dreamed about a man who needed my assistance walking, and I really wasn't that helpful, he ended up on his face!

    Something I did read about Casein protein is that it is the substance in milk that makes it white. Odd. God uses so many interesting parts to make the whole. It's so delicate and absolutely strong at the same time. Supposedly, in the recorded studies that I've seen, people who use the protein the way it's recommended to use, have lost about two pounds a week when they also include a regular diet and exercise program that assists with even more weight loss. I would be super happy if that was or is the case. I'm not hoping to be a stick by any means, but to lose down to what I feel is the best number or size for my frame -- I'll take it. Let's see if it works. 

I'll list a couple of articles for you read about Casein. You can get it on Amazon for around $20 a canister, and it's good tasting as well. Bonus!

An Article: https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/casein-protein-health-benefits.html

Another Article: https://www.newhealthadvisor.org/best-time-to-take-casein.html

As always, before changing your physical or mental routines, it is always best to consult with a trusted doctor or nutritionist.

Photo Credit: levelsprotein.com

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