Saturday, December 3, 2022

Soups! It's What's For Lunch and Dinner!

 Now, don't you go off and worry about me. I'm not going to be too silly when it comes to my new diet and exercise program. I know my limits, and I know my boundaries. I also know that you can overdo something and burn out, then you don't have the umpf to keep it going so you can meet your health goals. For me, eating correctly starts with the breakfast choices, and as everyone is quick to tell me that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, I have another thought about it. It's the one meal I can't really take the time to prepare and clean up before going to work, so I have decided that during the week when I'm working, I'll do a protein hemp shake and take all of my vitamins. On the weekends I can do a more hearty breakfast. I have this thing about cleaning as I go, and I don't want to end up being late for work! I can be late for the weekend!

    For lunch and actually supper or dinner, I've been having fun making soups. It's almost winter and since we have had a rather mild Autumn with only a few colder days, I didn't pull out my soup recipe book until about a week ago. I bought the book online when I thought I would buy myself an Instapot last year either for my birthday or for Christmas. I didn't actually end up buying the Instapot, but the recipe book has been amazing! There are too many books out there to give total credence to just one; you can easily find them on Amazon and do yourself a favor, get the one with photos so you can experience the colors, the textures, and judge for yourself if what you end up creating is the same thing you saw on the pages!  I didn't get the Instapot because I think I rather like the time it takes to make a good soup. If I had more people to cook for maybe, but right now it's not worth the effort. I'm good with the stew pot!

    Today, I decided to go through the kitchen and do a bit of a cleaning out of the fridge to see what I could throw into a stew pot and make for the next several days. When I do that I am just as likely to have a stew or soup with meat as I am to have one without meat. To my surprise, there were no pieces of meat that needed to be cooked immediately, so the winner ended up being a squash-based veggie soup with carrots, mushrooms, onions, and yes, squash pieces. After pureeing three yellow summer squash to make the base I realized it seemed a bit thin for what I wanted, so I threw in a few potatoes that were actually just purchased, and did not in any way need to be cooked immediately. They made a difference! So good.

    The multitude of spices seemed to go on for a minute as I poured in ginger, pepper, salt, garlic, rosemary, turmeric, and basil.  I decided chives would be a good color and be so pretty as they spread out and left themselves to lounge on various chunks of tubers. I was correct. The deliciousness could be smelt from downstairs, and two neighbors commented on how they wished they were my dogs. I think they think I give soup to my dogs, and they'd be correct. My dogs were quite happy, not going to lie. I did, however, because they are dogs, mix their soup with a bit of dry kibble and yeah, they ate it all in one standing. They don't sit to eat. 

    I have soup for the next three days and where I will end up taking some to work with me on both Monday and Tuesday, I know I will be eating and/or consuming fair fewer calories than I would have if I had made a bigger meal for each setting. I am hoping that by choosing to eat soup more often, I can cut my calorie intake by at least half and maybe more! That's always a good way to lose the extra pounds and stay incredibly satisfied and full. I can put a little coconut oil in the mix and make that really happen. You just never know with me. I could be 100 pounds lighter in 3 months if I keep this up; well, no, that wouldn't be good.  I'll settle for 30 pounds. We'll see what happens.

    I would write out the recipe but I didn't really use one. I just pureed the squash, added water, threw in some Greek yogurt, corn starch, and potatoes for making it thicker, then I added carrots, chopped onions, squash chunks, and the nearly-too-dead-to-eat mushrooms which, by the way, did not kill me. I wondered about it. I had to make a quick decision about the mushrooms. I really wanted them in the soup, but you also have to gauge whether or not dying for the cause is truly worth it. I know in hindsight, I made the right decision. This is good.   I let the soup simmer on medium heat for an hour, then lowered it, and let it cook until the potatoes were done. I add cheese when I spoon it out, and Laura added sour cream to her bowl. That was interesting. I'll do that later tonight. Ohhhhh....soup.

Photo Credit: Me

Coconut Oil is Your Friend.

 Remember, I'm not a physician. I am not licensed medically in any way. I wanted to state that plainly before going forth with the suggestions and/or information that is NOT to be used as medical advice. Have I covered that part sufficiently? I think I have, OK, let's move forward, shall we?

    I use coconut oil for a few things and I have used it for centuries. Wow, I can't believe I just told you the ultimate secret to my long life. Well, there it is folks; it's coconut oil. Pure and simple. No, really, pure and simple coconut oil. Don't be fooled by any imitation! Use the real stuff. It works. What does coconut oil do for you? It all depends on how you use it, and if you have bad drains in your house or flat, another bit of advice would be to rub the oil on your body AFTER you bathe, but if you have a good drainage system, you can add a tablespoon of the oil to your bath every night. Again, let me say professionally, I am also not a plumber. I write. That's what I do. I write things. I also work as a support for a really cool trading company, but that's also not a qualification for telling you how to use coconut oil. Be aware.

    So, coconut oil has some amazing properties. I'll leave a link here for you to read about it:  This particular article tells you 23 reasons why you can eat coconut oil straight off a spoon and be OK. Some of the benefits include, but are not limited to: heart health, weight loss, and prostate reduction (I don't really have a prostrate, but hey, some of my readers do.) It helps with energy, metabolism, and satiety, and of course, it helps with moisturizing your skin whether you eat it or rub it all over your body.  By the way, rubbing it all over your body when you're with someone you love offers an entirely different benefit that isn't mentioned in the article. It is, however, a fun and healthy way to enjoy the oil. Just sayin'.

    Coconut oil stimulates your metabolism, making you feel fuller and giving you the energy to complete the activities of the day (or night) you can use coconut oil in cooking, substituting it into your food rather than using other oils. Don't get me wrong, other oils such as virgin olive oil are good for you too. You can overdo the coconut in some cases, and that could also lead to some issues that aren't all that pleasant, so be sure and read up on side effects as well as benefits. One notable side effect that can happen is a looser stool if you take in too much. Just keep that in mind. Look at me being all Mom!  (Eat your veggies too!!)

    Why am I so excited about coconut oil? I've already told you. It's changed my life from the dull and boring woman I was (not true, I've never actually been boring or dull) into the svelte and happy soul that I am. I am actually over 480 years old; coconut oil has seen me through the Revolutionary War, Culloden before that, and the skirmishes that took place just outside my village south of Edinburgh back in the 16th Century.  Craig and I, my Highland husband, have seen it all. He's been using coconut oil for some of the aforementioned reasons and let me tell you, being able to say I've kept this man for over 390 years, speaks volumes about the true effects (and affects) that coconut oil can and does have on a body. Craig's prostrate is fine; no really, it's fine, really fine.

    All kidding and nonsense aside, I've literally been singing the praises of the oil of my choice for years. I am getting back to it for weight loss purposes. I had stopped eating it for some reason. I haven't ever stopped using it as a body moisturizer, and I've never stopped using it in my cooking, but for some reason, I stopped adding it to my coffee and tea. If you do that, it also acts as a natural lip balm, again, just sayin', your lips will not be cracky and ugly if you add coconut oil to your hot drinks. (Tip: it won't dissolve in cold drinks.) I even add it to my hot cocoa and let me just say that will light up your face, change your mind, and make you do a dance you've not done in a very long time. The dance is good. Try that, and see if I'm lying. If I'm lying I'm crying! Good good stuff!

    OK, well, read the above article for me, and go out and buy yourself a bottle or bucket of coconut oil. I buy mine in bulk at the Apothecary site, here's the link for that:  I use it in my soap making too. I'm telling you, this stuff will make you question everything you've ever been told about anything that kept you down. Boost that joy! Boost that smile on your face. Rub a little, eat a little, that came out completely different than I thought it would - - sorry, still thinking about Craig I suppose. Here's the blog about the man just in case you were wondering who I go on about in my dreams and when I need a smirk on my face.  ENJOY your day!!  Enjoy your fat loss. Enjoy your energy. Enjoy your new life.

NOTE: I have decided to give up coffee for the month of December (2022) and if it works out for me I'll stop it altogether. I'm doing gunpowder and/or Yerba Mate tea with coconut oil. We'll see if it works. Of course, I know it will.

Photo Credit: 

Friday, December 2, 2022

Yerba Mate! OK! New Never Hurt.

 I'm one of THOSE people who will find out about a new thing, which is usually not new at all, but has been served for centuries. I'll find out about it, and then I'll just research it to the hilt, try it, and then tell everyone what I think about it. I'm going to do that again, but I'll have to wait until I get it delivered to my door before I can. It's Yerba Mate (mau-tay) tea, and there are Yerba Mate extract pills as well! Yes, there are. So, why am I trying this? (Them?)  Weight loss, of course. I'm now being sucked into the vortex that is the internet, which is telling me that all my worries and concerns will be completely eliminated if I just drink more Yerba Mate tea, and if I take a couple of Yerba Mate extract pills every day. So, here I go.

    According to the studies it (they) is/are good for me, and yes, I do read them, I'm not going to pop pills of any sort or drink teas of any leaf without first researching. I have the benefit of using both Google and my kid, since my kid has been thinking about drinking it and using it, and she's in contact with a nutritionist who recommends Yerba Mate to her patients who are wanting to shed pounds quickly. Sad news however, the kid can't drink it or take it as it has higher dosages of caffeine. She'll dry up and freak out like no other, and we really don't want to do the whole staying-at-the-hospital-all-night again. She'll have to do this the really old fashioned way, which is to just eat less calories, work out, and drink more water. I'll do that too, but I'll include the Yeba Mate as well. I can (I think) handle the caffeine.

    There was a product that I used last year that kicked my butt to the side of the road and then left it there to die a horrible and slow death. It was BHB (a KETO thing) and let me tell you, it slapped me something silly. I was over the top gone, but in their defense, I was the idiot who overused it. I literally overdosed on the stuff and didn't mean to. If I had died it would have been an accidental overdose, and what a sad thing for my friends and family to have to deal with. So, I'm telling you that so you'll be aware, and you can do your own research before putting things into your mouth and gut that can cause you to end up on your face in the hallway trying to make it to the bed to die with dignity.

    MCT oil is another thing that I tried that was too hard for me. You can achieve the same result however, I can anyway, by adding coconut oil to your coffee or tea. It's not as gross as it sounds. I swear, it really helps with both digestion and keeping your satiety levels up a bit. I love it. I put coconut oil in my morning coffee, as well as using collagen powder. That coffee is really dressed up, let me tell you. If you were to buy a coffee like that at a specialty shop you'd pay $10 a day for a 12 oz cup of Joe with all the crap I put into mine.  Well, I mean, it's just coffee, heavy cream, collagen and coconut oil, but that would cost you a bit if you ordered it. I don't do that. I like to keep my money in my bank a bit longer. I think the last time I bought a coffee outside of the house was in 2018. Dang. I just realized that's almost 5 years ago. Well, well, well...we are getting older, aren't we?

    So, the Yerba Mate is something like the Matcha in that is full of antioxidants, it's really good for you, it has enough umpf to get you through the day, and maybe you won't feel all jittery like you would if you had the same caffeine equivalent as you would if you drank the amount of coffee you would need to meet the levels that are in the Yerba Mate. I'm not sure exactly how many grams or whatever you call measurements of caffeine, we'll say grams, but you can get more for your buck with Yerba Mate than you can with coffee. I never really like dissing coffee, because I have a love thing going on with the brown brew, but let's be honest, I'm not the brightest bulb in the box - - I could be wrong about things; could be. I didn't say I was.

    There are those typical 30-day challenges out there that I may do when I do get the Yerba Mate delivered. I will do the whole photo thing but I don't think I'll post them since I don't show my body off really. When I do get down to the size I want to be and the belly is flat, the boobs lifted, and my daughters are screaming at me for stealing their clothes, then I'll post a few things. Until then, you'll have to wonder. (Don't put yourself out, I'm about average.) Be safe, be kind, and be diligent. You deserve the research to be done before you embark on any new adventure. Don't be like me. Be like you! 

Photo Credit:

Satiety!! I Need More of it in my Life.

 You can eat all you want and all you think you need, and somehow, within an hour or so you feel hungry again! Has this ever happened to you? Oh my gosh, it's the worst. Have you ever been really sick, and as you're healing you feel as if you can't eat enough to stay full? It's non-stop carb throwing, and you (I) just can't stuff enough food into my head for whatever reason. I think it's my body saying it needs it, but my body really has no idea how big it has gotten over the past few months...AGAIN!  

    I used to hear people, and I probably still do, say that they have struggled with their weight all of their lives. That's only half true with me, well, now it's a bit longer than half. I didn't have a weight problem as such until I had my third child! Then, oh yes, I had a real issue. I gained a bunch of weight with the last one, and it never really came off the way it did with the others. I only had three, thank you Jesus, but at the same time, my weight went up with the first, grew steadily with the second, and then exploded with the last. I went from being 134 when I got pregnant in 1985 with Reuben, to weighing over 190 pounds after giving birth to Caity. That's 56 pounds, and after Caity, I just sort of stopped working out as much, and eventually, over the next 25 years, I gained another 25 pounds!!

    In August 2020, I remember clearly, that I must have passed by a window or something with a reflection. I saw myself, and I was just shocked. I was upset. I remember thinking "That's the reason you feel badly, Jude. That's also the reason you fell off your horse again! You're fat!"  Now, in our society today, we're not supposed to fat-shame, or body-shame, or whatever, but the hard cold facts are the hard cold facts. At just under 5'7" tall, I weighed 216 pounds and I had NO REASON to be that large. It was both unhealthy and made me unhappy. You can't be comfortable in your own skin if you don't like the way you look in it. I was (and do) avoid mirrors. I don't want to see it, I don't want to remind myself that it's still there.  I've lost down to a reasonable size by all accounts of what our society accepts, but I am NOT where I want to be. I am the one I want to impress, no one else.

    Satiety is the feeling you get inside your gut when you're full. It helps you to stop eating and to feel satisfied with whatever it is inside of you. You can achieve it without eating all the empty calories and I'm going to tell you how you can do that. I'm not making something up that I created or conjured on my own. I'm not that smart. I went to the source; Google! I owe all of my intelligence on diets and exercise to the experts who have posted and written articles about it. I don't have to see that the author is a licensed physician either. If a person (like me) has had great experiences and they have achieved their goals, then I read what they had to say and I take it without a grain of salt since it worked for them. If they are trying to sell me something, I usually find another article.

    Years ago I went to a doctor about my gut being too big, and this doctor was both unhelpful and unprofessional in my opinion. Due to the type of insurance, I had at the time, and the fact that there really wasn't a Google to help me out on this matter, nothing really changed. The doctor told me to diet and exercise, and the diet he gave me was nothing like a doctor should have given me. It was full of the wrong types of foods really, and he said nothing about obtaining satiety so that I would eat less. Facts are facts; if you eat fewer calories and burn more calories than you take in, you'll lose weight. It is what it is. I also want to tone and do some shaping as I go, so yeah, I wanted expert help. I found it. 

    Today starts another round of me being more aware of what I am eating, how I am eating, and why I am eating it. I remember being really full and happy when I was eating more of the homemade trail mix that I made. It has calories for sure, but it also keeps me from eating empty calories. I need more fiber-rich foods in my body, more proteins, and fewer things that turn into (or are made of) sugar. I don't really do straight sugar anymore. I don't have diabetes, but I don't want to get it either. I am eating as if I am pre-diabetic I guess, so I can be more aware of what my health is all about, and I can be prepared to be a partner for someone who may have it. Why put someone through agony as they have to watch me eating something made of sugar? No. I don't need it, and if I ever have a partner or friend that is diabetic, I want to be the one who supports them, not discourages them. That's just me. I think that way.

    There are ways to obtain satiety that are really simple, and you may already know most of them. Here's a cool article about it too:

    Just as a tip or two you can do the following to feel fuller:

  • drink a full glass of water before you eat
  • eat protein-rich foods, fiber-rich foods (chicken, grass-fed beef, eggs, nuts)
  • eat more greens (dark greens)
  • change up your snacks from wheat-based to fruit or veggie based
  • potatoes are not your friend; if you must, try sweet potatoes
  • use a smaller plate so you feel as if you've eaten more
  • spice it up a little. Some spices actually boost metabolism
There are just so many ways to do this. You can use little hacks all day to keep the ball rolling so that you don't feel as hungry. Stay busy. Don't find excuses to go into the kitchen so you can stare into the cabinets or refrigerator.  Here's a thought, and I had t really work on this one, when you're at the store remember YOU are the one buying the groceries! You are the one who determines what will go into the cabinets and the refrigerator and therefore, into your mouth. When I had kids to feed I used them as an excuse for why I ate so poorly. I'm so very happy my own daughter doesn't do that. She won't allow my grandkids to eat stupid things, and I really am so thankful to her for that. I've told her so, too. I feel as if I could have been a better mom in that sense, but again, the role models and the resources I was left with weren't the same as they are today.

    We're all in this you know. We have to be more of who we should be so that we can be useful, needed, helpful, and be there for others as long as and as strong as we need to be.  There are excuses to be had, but why do that? We can also decide for ourselves that we're going to be the change we want to see in ourselves. I'm still not where I need to be, or where I want to be, but I will be. It will happen. It's a matter of effort, time, and willpower. I think it's worth giving it another shot. Remember, it's not failing if you don't quit. NEVER quit on yourself. You're worth too much.

Photo Credit: 


Saturday, October 22, 2022

Dunkin Donuts to the Rescue!!

 OK, so I ordered my espresso machine from Amazon, and it was supposed to be delivered today. I was absolutely looking forward to that machine! Well, Amazon wrote to me and let me know that they had to get my machine from another warehouse and it won't arrive at my city's warehouse until Monday, and out to my place on Tuesday. Oh, the agony! Oh, the wait will kill me!!  (Not really, that was just me being a bit dramatic for effect.)  I'm good.

    What I decided to do was to just tough it out as I've been toughing it out for the past few years without having a real espresso machine. Oh my goodness, I just realized it's been over 10 years since I had an espresso machine in my house. I'm really not sure I was aware of that fact before just now. I was sitting here thinking about the last time we had one, and it was in Indiana, and not just in Indiana, but when we first arrived. It was in 2010 - - now I realize that was 12 years ago, but I didn't sell it or maybe even give it away until we moved to Lebanon, Indiana, so that was 2012. Wow. 

    Anyway, I was OK until I decided to go to the post office and drop off a package for a charity in Scotland (Hi, Bethany Christian Trust! You'll have to wait a week longer) and the post office personnel, who have been so rude in the past, told me that they couldn't take my package as it was about closing time (32 minutes away) and they only do international packages at the start of their day up to about 30 minutes before closing. I looked at my watch (yes, I still have one) and I told them it was 11:58 and they close at 12:30, so yeah, we had 32 minutes, and it was ready to go. I was the ONLY customer in the location as well.  They still refused. Again, WOW!

    Rather than arguing my point, since I knew I couldn't force them to get off their collective asses and do their job, I decided to let them know I would file a formal complaint. I took their names and then, as a woman was walking into the lobby, I stopped her and let her know what they had just told me. She didn't have an international package, but she was upset that they were being so hard to get along with, and she said that she too would go online and complain to their supervisor as well as the state postmaster general. I felt a bit better. She was so kind, and she was so nice. I noticed she had on a work cap that read "Dunkin Donuts".  I asked her if she worked there. She said she did, and she had just gotten off work! She didn't realize she was still wearing the cap.

    I told her that I was going to go to Dunkin Donuts, and I was going to let her boss know how genuinely helpful she had been.  The Dunkin Donuts is literally 2 or 3 blocks from the post office, so I drove there, went inside, and I found the manager. I kept my word and let her know that she had a wonderful worker in Claire and that I was most impressed with her commitment to helping our community become a more open and friendly place rather than allowing some of the older more hard-faced attitudes to get away with their lazy assumptions about life. The manager, Donna, let me know that she was impressed with Claire as well. She mentioned that Claire had won Employee of the Month several times last year. Could this be another Wow moment? I think so.

    Donna asked me what drink I would like, and that it was on the house! Woot!! I got my coffee!  I ordered a double espresso drink, a wet cappuccino, and if she didn't mind, I'd take some chocolate sprinkles on top! She was more than happy to oblige.  I looked over the donuts too, you can't NOT see them you know. I decided a half dozen would do. (I bought the donuts, I didn't ask for them as a gift) Today, because I can, because I'm a community-involved assertive American, I decided to buy 6 donuts for the heck of it!! Why not? Oh, I know, they have calories, they are full of fat, and they aren't the least bit healthy for me.  All that be damned!  Donuts it is!  I was very careful to pick out three I knew I loved, and three I knew Laura would love as well.  I have to include her if I'm going to buy a bunch of unnecessary donuts!

    When I got home with the fantastic load of big, fat, calorie-ridden, love bites, I walked straight to Laura's room to show her my spoils! Rather than argue with me, and tell me how disgusting I am, the woman (my baby) smiled that smile and put her hands together in a prayer-type style.  "Oh my!", she exclaimed...."did you buy the Boston creme one?"  You know I did!!  We are just two really happy, smiling, giggling women over here; me with my big hot cappuccino, she with her LaCroix (room temp because she's really odd).  I can't explain it, but some days you just throw out anything sensible and you live!  I mean, I'm about to empty trash, do the dishes, wash clothes, and change the bed sheets, so yeah, a donut or two...or three, will make things so much better!

    Thanks, Claire!!

Photo Credit:

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Empty Belly Syndrome

 It's been a minute since I've had this empty belly feeling; I don't like it. Do you know what I'm talking about? It feels like you can't get enough to eat. It doesn't matter if you've just finished an entire large Pizza Hut pizza by yourself, it feels like you're still starving! It feels like nothing can stop the cravings, nothing can fill in the void. Nothing, no matter what you eat, is enough! I hate it. I'm told by my doctor that it's the way the body recovers after a terrible virus, and yeah, I get that, because that's exactly what I'm doing, but dang!!  I don't know if my metabolism is going to recover!!

    Last week, about 10 days ago actually, my daughter was taken to the hospital (by me) with what we knew to be dehydration, but we didn't know the full story until after they did the three-in-one test that tests for C19, Flu, and RSV, an upper respiratory infection type virus that runs the course like any other virus, but in the lungs mostly. Well, turns out she had Covid. Then, about two days later, they called to downgrade or side-step that diagnosis to the common flu because her white count was high and probably caused a false positive. I didn't really get to hear the joyous news because by that time I had a full-blown case of it myself!

    Laying in bed with a fever that just would not stop, in fact, it stayed for more than three full days. I couldn't rest. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. I could barely breathe and forget about working. I was out for the count. The fact that I was supposed to be caring for my sick daughter was absolutely on my heart, and on my mind. We did a great deal of praying and crawling around from one room to the other, taking breaks to just try not to die. It was the worse flu case  I have ever had, and I can't sing the praises of DayQuil and Tylenol loud enough. I drank a bottle of DayQuil every day for three days. No, I'm not kidding. My diet consisted of DayQuil, gingersnaps, trail mix bars, and Tylenol. Oh, and I drank nasty Pedialyte, I'm never going to do that again. I'll chug Jack Daniels before I do that again. Come to think of it, I should have done that.

    My grandpa always said that if you're ill whisky will heal ya, and if you're well, whiskey will kill ya. I don't exactly know what it will do for you if you're already mostly dead. I didn't get the chance to find out because  I had three bottles of DayQuil from when there was a sale on it at the store, and I thought I might need it. I was right. I was absolutely right. I did survive the 2022 Flu, but it took a great deal of persuading for that to happen. Now, after the virus has left the building, there is a  void the size of the Grand Canyon in my gut! No matter what I heave down my throat, it feels as if I have plenty of room to shove more in there; this is so not fun.

    I've decided to give into the monster and just eat until I can't eat anymore, then maybe after that's digested I'll find space for another carb or two. It's funny, my body doesn't want sugars, no, it's all about heavy bread, pasta, wheat products, and more trail mix bars. Big Lots had boxes of 30 and 48 for just under $10, so yeah, I bought 3.  I may actually end up packing on a pound or two in the next few days, but I have no choice in this matter. If I want to be healthy enough to stand, walk the dog, drive myself to work, and actually do the work, I'm stuffing my face 24/7.

    I bet if I went to the internet I could find a word for it. I bet there's a medical term for it. Let's see what I can find.  OK, what I found was a lot of sites telling me that people ate a great deal of food when they were sad, depressed, worried, or anxious. I'm not any of those, I am recovering from the Flu. Oh well, at least I know I'm not alone, my daughter is on this happy quest with me. We're thinking of fat burgers and fries later after we cram the pizza.  It may be the worse thing for us, but we'll be sure and wash it all down with a few bubbly LaCroix drinks while watching copious episodes of "Glee".  You can't know how pathetic that sounds, but let me tell you, it really helps get the nostrils flaring and the oxygen back into the body where it belongs.

    HEAL ALREADY!!  This isn't just a cheat day, this is recovery.  I'll survive.

Photo Credit:


Sunday, September 25, 2022

Chocolate Waffles. (Yes, Please)

 Everyone knows that dark chocolate is good for you, and the last time I looked Hershey's chocolate syrup was pretty dark. Ergo, Hershey's chocolate syrup is good for us! See the logic? I thought you might. I don't actually eat much sugar and I've mentioned it before. I'm not diabetic or even pre-diabetic, but many of my friends and family members are, so I think it's just a good practice as well as a way to show my support for them in their life struggles. If we can, we should be empathic and try to be as compassionate as possible. That's my take on it anyway.

    Today, because I can, I decided to make waffles for breakfast.  I didn't even need to Pinterest it. I know exactly what to do! I don't make the batter by hand because the store-bought box brand is literally amazing! I think it's still cheap enough to buy without shaking my head twice, and I love the fact that I know exactly how much of it to pour into the bowl to mix it so I don't have to measure anything. I don't know if you know this about me, but I don't like to measure much. I just wing it; which can lead to a lot of issues but so far I've been spared the really scary ones. My friend(s) hate it when I don't measure if I'm cooking for them, but I like to remind them at that point that I'm actually doing the cooking. I say this just before I swat one or the other of them with my wooden spoon. Yes, I am that cook! Stay out of my kitchen!

    Waffles for breakfast is a usual meal; no one would or could disagree with that statement. I am actually eating my breakfast a 11:45 a.m. this Sunday morning, which could be considered an early lunch or "brunch" as it is called by some. I don't typically eat early, I try to do the whole intermittent fasting when I can. I stop eating around 6:45 p.m. and I don't pick it back up again until after 10:30 a.m. usually. I'm working these days, so breakfast consists of a great breakfast bar (Usually Clif brand) or I bring a Slim Jim to work and call that breakfast, but either way, it's around 10:30 a.m.  I think it's working, but who knows? I'm not weighing myself these days, just wearing the trousers and tops that I think should fit and if they do that's how I know!

    Today, again, as I said before because I can, I decided on the chocolate waffles. I use a waffle maker for convenience. I plug it in, heat it up, spray it with cooking oil and mix my batter. I always, if having chocolate waffles, add chocolate chips to the mix, and why not? I'm living on the edge! Do it! Spoil thyself!  For grins and giggles I leave the waffler's top up for a while, not closing it, this is a trick I learned over time. If you leave it up for a minute the edges cook and aren't squeezed out allowing the batter to run all over the sides! Yes! See, even old dogs can be trained. It just takes a minute!

    So speaking of dogs, my dog Ginger sat beside me during the entire process. I think she thinks that if I drop something she'll be diligent and pick it up for me. I have never really expected less from her, but I usually let her keep anything she finds on the floor. We have a two-second rule in our house when it comes to food, and after that, the dog is the owner.  However, in most cases, there isn't enough time for the two-second rule; those dogs are there and on the job! Unfortunately for Ginger, I didn't spill or drop anything, and dogs can't have chocolate anyway. I told her! I was literally telling her the entire time that she couldn't have it even if I did drop it, but yeah, she wasn't listening. I then, because I should, purposedly found something on the cabinet I could drop. I think it was a Cheez-it. So yeah, I had to open the cabinet first, then find the box, then open that, and pull a few out so I could drop them, but dogs deserve a little respect just for sitting patiently beside their people.

    After the masterpiece was created, I further enhanced it with several dabs of creamy smooth Irish butter before covering it in the aforementioned Hershey's chocolate syrup.  Done! I only need one. I'm truly satisfied with just one waffle when it's done correctly.  I do actually often eat waffles with bananas and chocolate, or strawberries and chocolate. There was this one time that I ate it with regular maple syrup and you would have thought my kids had seen me twerk on top of the countertop! Their faces! They just stared at me and slowly dropped their jaws. (Mom is not putting chocolate on her waffle, is she OK?)  We were out of chocolate that day. It was a sad day to be sure, but I was able to at least show them, and give them an example, of what it is to be tolerant and inclusive. It was a teaching moment.

    Other uses for Hershey's chocolate syrup could and do include being used for chocolate milk of course, or as a topping on ice cream. I'll pour it over apples too. I am not above using it in my cake batters.  The one place it does not have a right to be is on my homemade biscuits. Nope, that is when I make chocolate gravy with my Hershey's cocoa powder. There is a difference, and if you don't know the difference you have no right to call yourself a cook! I don't know if you actually do consider yourself a cook, but you wouldn't be one if you didn't know the difference between Hershey's cocoa and Hershey's chocolate syrup.  Oh wait, there's another place it doesn't belong!  Hershey's chocolate syrup does not belong in my chocolate frosting either.  Now that I think about it, I could probably come up with any number of places it couldn't, shouldn't, or wouldn't be. However, (she grins) I do know a place in the house where you shouldn't or wouldn't take the powder cocoa but you can take the bottle of syrup - - for convenience as well as the texture I mean. Everything tastes better with a bit of chocolate, we can all agree on that - - I'll leave it there.

Photo Credit: Me

Friday, September 16, 2022

Healthy Body! Healthy Mind! Healthy Soul!

 Who says you can't have your cake and eat it too? Just buy or make two cakes! Save one if you need to, but eat it sparingly, because too much of anything great could be a problem down the road.  Moderation!!  So, today, we are talking about how you may find that eating well, exercising, and meditating can equal all the things you really need for a good and sustainable body, mind, and soul. I would say you can't have one without the other, but really, it's possible to do that. You can be really fit, but really depressed. You can be depressed but have a desire to follow Christ. Do that. If you're finding yourself depressed, sad, angry, or anxious, just think about the ways Jesus has helped you in the past. He's still in the same place, doing the same things. He's a WAY maker. He makes you a WAY to be better!

    Today is the last official day that I am off from work because I start my new employment (I don't want to say JOB because it's so much more) and I will use the day to be the best I can be. My hips have been aching since I've been walking more. I knew it might happen, so I added more turmeric to my diet. I added garlic, I added ginger, and now, because I realized (duh!) that vitamin C is an amazing anti-inflammatory, I am adding more vitamin C to everything. It's not just for flu seasons you know. Vitamin C can do so very much, and you can get it from fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges, and blueberries, but you can also buy it over the counter (or online!)  That's exactly what I did! WOW!

    I ordered a bottle of vitamin C from Amazon, and even though I saw that it had 400 tablets in the bottle and that each tablet was 500 mg of C, I didn't think about how HUGE the bottle was going to be. I guess I just thought the tablets were smaller; they are not. I should say they were not.  I have crushed them! They are now in powder form and they are now one. I have one huge bottle of vitamin C and I take about a teaspoon of the powder every day and add it to my smoothie. These smoothies, I gotta tell you, are packed full of goodness and healthy stuff. They taste fantastic and super upper fantabulous too. I'm not just making that up, believe me. I drink one for lunch every day and have for the past how many ever weeks and months. I love it.

    The average and/or typical smoothie for me looks like this:  When it's all poured out its about 15 oz, but if I make more I just drink it from the canister I blended it in and then drink the smoothie in the glass or goblet that I just poured it into. I try to make it around 15 oz every day. What's in it? Well, I'm so glad you asked. Let's start with the ingredients.

  • 1/2 cup of ice cream. I use no sugar added.
  • 1/3 cup (or so) of frozen fruit. I like them all.
  • 1/2 cup of milk (I use FairLife)
  • 1/4 cup of heavy whipping cream
  • 1/4 cup of water
and now for the powders:
  • Collagen 1 scoop
  • Protein (hemp or pea) 1 scoop
  • Tumeric 1/2 teaspoon
  • Vitamin C 1 teaspoon
  • Kacip Fatmah  1/4 teaspoon
  • BHB with Calcium 1/2 teaspoon
  • Cranberry powder 1 tablespoon
  • Papaya seed powder 1/2 teaspoon
  • Hyaluronic acid 1/2 teaspoon
  • Flax seed 1 teaspoon
The smoothies are typically around 400 calories or less, which isn't bad for lunch. A hamburger can have 1000 calories. It is thick and rich and really creamy, and with all the punch of a world-class boxer when it comes to heaving in the healthy stuff for my body! When my body is happy, my mind tends to be a bit more jovial as well. I can walk a mile or two after drinking my lunch, and that helps as well. I don't know that I'll ever get all the aches and pains out of my bones since they are sort of older, but I'm doing as much as I can, and so far it's been pretty good, pretty smooth sailin'.
    Today when I was crushing the vitamin C into the fine powder that I need, the "fumes" were cascading up into the air and I inhaled about 1000 mg of it I'm sure. My makeshift funnel worked pretty well. I rolled up a piece of paper and stuck it into the bottle, waste not, want not!  All is good in the Stringfellow home for sure. If I can find a better way to do something, to make something work better than it has, or just different in a way to make life easier, I'm gonna do it. It's the ENTJ in me. I can't stop thinking of ways to improve whatever it is that I'm having to deal with. If I am the least bit inconvenienced I try to find a better way to address the issue. I've always been that way.  My rocking pony was a sight! At the age of 4, I told my mom it needed to be raised and the springs needed to be shorter and thicker so it would be able to hold me. It was about that time I got my first real horse.

    Best of both worlds!  I have smoothies for lunch, and only one dish to clean! I mean, yeah, I have to clean the canister that I make it in, but I don't use pots or pans and I don't have silverware or multiple dishes. Just the cup! LOVE IT. Now, the next part is the prayer part. Once I have my smoothie made, and  I've walked my one or two miles, I tend to sit in my big chair and read my Scots Bible. What's a Scots Bible you ask? Well, it's a regular Bible, but it's written in the Scots language or dialect. It's not Gaelic, it's Scots. I've been studying and reading both Scots and Scots Gaelic for a couple of years. I'm getting to the point now that I rarely have to search for what a word means, but since I read the Scots Bible with my English version, I am able to decipher pretty much all the weird and quirky things they say. To give you an example: the English word for gold is gold.  Scots word for gold is gowd. The English word for fool is fool, but in Scots it is ful.  Braw = good, bonnie = pretty or nice, auld = old. It's fun to learn. It's great to know that my ancestors spoke this language and they read their Bibles this way.
    Good mind. Good body. Good soul.  Good day!! I love it when I can say that I would rather be with Jesus, curled up in a chair reading fun and strange words that describe His life, than doing just about anything else on a sunny fun Friday afternoon.  It's about 2 p.m. and I have half of my walking in for the day. I'm averaging about 6 miles a day now. I post some of it, but sometimes I just don't. I like to walk the parking lots and the lake near my house. Soon the weather will be better (cooler) and I can put in a few more steps! YEA.  Be good, and be good to yourself. You deserve to be your best friend.

Photo Credit: Me

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Blueberry Cobbler, Because I Can!

 You will never hear me say that I'm a gourmet chef, or that I can outcook anyone, but you will hear me say that I know my way around a kitchen and that I have absolutely failed my two daughters when it comes to doing that particular feat.  I guess what happened was, that maybe I threw the girls out of the kitchen when I was in it so I could get supper ready.  I know I had Reuben in there with me to handle the easy things so I could get things made. He's a cook. Maybe I was too busy being a mom to be a teacher and mentor when it came time to learn to cook. I think Caity picked up a few tips, but then there's Laura!  Laura still hangs out at the edge of the kitchen waiting for me to finish whatever it is that I'm doing. I could be washing a dish, but she'll stand outside of the room so as not to disturb me. Maybe she remembers me and the wooden spoon -- I don't know. I know she hasn't decided to take up cooking or baking. She is a pro at microwaving though. She'll never die of hunger, she just may never actually experience anything worth eating. I blame myself.

    Today, because I could, I decided to make a blueberry cobbler. I actually decided on doing it yesterday, but I didn't have any all-purpose flour and I wasn't about to throw almond flour and coconut flour together for something as Southern as cobbler. I have my priorities. I can all but see my dear Granny up there in Heaven with her new eternal switch! I am not about to fail that woman. She and Aunt Wilma both would roll over in their respective graves, unzip the Earth and swat me hard if I ended up using anything less than real flour. They won't mind if I substitute the sugar for monk fruit, but there's no way I'm doing away with the butter, the buttermilk, or not putting cinnamon in the mix even if it doesn't call for it in the recipe. 

    Many families opt for going out and picking the blueberries fresh, but we didn't have that option today. I bought a bag of frozen blueberries because (believe it or not) the flavor is really good and they "pop", meaning they hold their own until they need to be eaten and they are firm enough and soft enough to make them really an ideal choice without pieces of twigs or dirt. Just saying.  Facts.

    If you're interested in the recipe it's really very simple. To prepare the oven and the pan I turn the oven on to 375 and let it get hot while I put all of the ingredients together.  

For the blueberries: (and yes, you can use other fruits) I spray a glass pan of either 8x8 or 9x9 inches. I then set the two separate bowls I'm going to need on the counter and add the blueberries to one (about 3 cups) and I add six tablespoons of monk fruit along with 3 or 4 tablespoons of flour to the blueberries and I mix it up.  I pour that mix into the sprayed pan and add about 6 slight spoonfuls of butter on top, splitting the butter up so it goes to all the corners and is evenly spaced.  

For the top of the cobbler part: In a separate bowl I add 1.5 cups of all-purpose flour with 6 tablespoons of monk fruit, and about 1 tsp of baking powder. I salt it, maybe 1/4 of a tsp, and blend that all together.  Then you add a stick of butter, or 3/4 of a stick if you want to, either way, is good, as long as your "dough" has pea-sized combined flour/butter when you're finished blending it. BLENDING IT is the important part. You use two knives to cut the butter into the mix. You don't heat the butter. You blend it or cut it, and when the mix appears to have pea-sized balls rolling around inside the bowl, you're ready to add the buttermilk. You can use half and half with milk if you prefer.  You pour the milk in slowly and stir so that the mix becomes gooey and has the consistency of biscuits. (You actually have just made sweet biscuits if you think about it.) 

    I add the cinnamon or all-spice to it and begin to drop it onto the blueberries in little biscuit-looking shapes. You don't have to be perfect, but you don't want to overdo one side. Make your droppings consistent.   Put it in the oven for 35-37 minutes and keep an eye on it to be sure you don't over-brown the top.  When it's finished the top will be a golden brown but and the blueberries will be bubbling. DO NOT EAT IT when it's that hot.  Bring it out of the oven and let it sit. You'll survive, it's not that long before you can eat it, but get yourself some ice cream and do it right! Some folks add sugar to the top while it's baking. You can if you want. I don't cook with sugar so I tend to just do what I need to.

    I was SHOCKED and utterly set beside myself today when my daughter told me she couldn't remember me ever making cobbler for her in the past. Did I really deprive my kids to that point or is she just being obnoxious? I don't want anyone coming by my place to take my Southern Mama card away, but it could be that she was really young the last time I made blueberry cobbler. I've made apple cobbler for her I know, but maybe she's right about the blueberries.  Wow. Just...yeah, Wow.

    There you go, if you want more info on that you'll just have to make one yourself and see how it all turns out. I wish you the best. I need to go to Braum's while the cobbler is cooking and get some vanilla bean ice cream (no sugar added) and do this the way it should be done! Yep! That's the plan. 


Photo Credit: Me.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Menu Me, Please! Thank You!

 ICYMI, I love Pinterest!  You can literally look up anything and everything on that site and you will find so many things you never knew you were even interested in looking at; so true.  You can start out with ideas such as "dinner" and then narrow it down to "beef dinner" or "chicken dinner" and the site will (as a great database will) pull up some really cool ideas as well as some funky ideas that leave you both excited and confused. I love it when that happens! 

    I decided to make a month-long menu of dinners and then as time will show, my lunches become the leftovers from the previous night, or two nights, dinners. I can count on making about 25 meals a month as I don't ever cook on Thursdays. No one including myself knows why that is. It isn't something I picked up from my mom. It isn't something I started as a nine-year-old and thought I shouldn't stop now that I'm into my ancient years. I just don't cook on Thursdays. It's a me thing. So, since I don't cook on Thursdays, that leaves all the other days available for me to experiment in the kitchen. Let's do it.

    I went to  and I think I put in "Dinner" and "Ideas" separately, but the site knows what I mean, and it spits out about 139880 dinner ideas that are just out of this world. I had trouble narrowing it down, but thought to myself, "OK, I'm going to go to the store and buy all the ingredients for all of these meals. I don't want to spend money I don't have to. I don't want to waste money on foods I won't eat."  Since I'm not a big seafood fan, sorry Scottish friends, I decided to only add shrimp and cod as my fishy choices for the 25 meals I'm preparing during the month of September and now into October since I didn't get started at the top of the month. It's OK. Things will work out. I promise.

    Pinterest helped me narrow and then pick and choose so many things. I picked (and not in any order) beef dishes such as Beef Stroganoff, Beef and Broccoli, Beef Tips and Sauces with Rice, Hamburgers, Steak & Potatoes, Mince & Tatties, and Spaghetti with Meatballs! (You gotta have meatballs. I think I had meatloaf in there as well. I'm pretty sure of it.)  For the chicken meals, I went with all the basic food, the ones Laura will actually eat. I added a couple of surprises, but I don't tell her what I put into it even when she asks. She may or may not eat my food if I disclose too much, and it's not that she doesn't like it, but if she's not familiar with it she won't attempt it.

    For the chicken I went with Enchiladas, Chicken Tortellini Soup, Chicken Fingers with Chips (fries), Chicken con Carne, Marry Me Chicken, Chicken Pot Pie, Pulled Chicken BBQ sandwiches, Chicken Quesadilla, and Baked Chicken with good old American green beans and new potatoes.  Sometimes you just have to call it what it is, food for the belly!  If you haven't had Marry Me Chicken yet, you need to do that. It's just so amazing. I do the sun-dried tomatoes rather than the peppers, but you can do both actually.  Being from the Southwest, we use a bit more paprika so this is one of those recipes where you can use it and it not only makes the chicken so much better on the palette, but it looks pretty with hints of red sprinkles!

    If you're doing the math, you'll see that there are still a few dates left after the beef and chicken dinners. I added sausage, a veggie night (maybe two) and I have a night meal that I do often that I call the Greek Night Dinner. It's really not necessarily Greekian, as our family says, but it is European and it has grapes and hummus, so there you go.  I fill a plate up with things we normally have in the fridge such as summer sausage, olives, grapes, baby carrots, hummus, cheese, and more cheese, and maybe I'll throw in a hard-boiled egg or split one with someone. It's a light and easy meal, no cooking other than the egg, and it goes down nicely with a fizzy water for sure. 

    Once I made my list of 25 meals I placed the suggestions on the fridge and asked Laura to go through them to see what she wanted for dinner tonight. She picked the Beef Stroganoff, so that's the ticket!  I made it, and I love it. I took pictures. I added the broth from the meat from the slow cooker to make the gravy (with sour cream, flour, heavy cream, and a little milk) with spices and poured the cooked beef into it for another 20 minutes of simmering.  While you're cooking your beef tips in the slow cooker (4 hours) be sure and add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to the mix and 1 tsp of vinegar. This will soften the meat to the point of falling off the fork! GREAT stuff.

    We add salad to the side, and we usually have fruit. I'm a huge grape fan, so that's the go-to, but this meal can complement or be complemented by any side and/or fruit. I love it.  Check your calorie count on this one however, it's higher than most. You may need to spend a little extra time doing a bit more cardio to get rid of a few of those padded-on calories, but I think it's worth it. Season with salt and pepper as you like, and don't forget the prayer!! That's the most important part of the meal in my opinion. I'm truly grateful for so much and being able to cook and please the kid is just one of those things.  Do I spoil her? Yeah, I do, but it's all good. She's the middle child and they think they're put upon, so it works out fine.


Photo Credit: Me


Wednesday, September 7, 2022


 In America, and I know in the Southwest, we have a chain of burger restaurants that can compete with any of the big names. One of the big names that we have here in Oklahoma, is Whataburger!  I've known about and eaten at Whataburger since I was a kid, but I haven't eaten there in over 40 years. I could go into the details, but it really has nothing to do with the restaurant, and more with the company I was with when I last went. I think the burger patty was undercooked and I made a comment about it.  That was a big enough mistake that it caused a mini-riot at the table. We were all escorted out of the place, and I just never went back!

    Needless to say, that was my fault.  It was 100% on me, and no one else. I can't begin to think that my actions were out of line, the burger was undercooked. I just feel that I should have had better friends then, and I'm certainly not hanging with those same people today.  I like my dining experiences to be rather dull, thank you. I prefer to be appreciated for my business; that's what old age and maturity will do for a gal.

    We have a few Whataburger "stores" as we call them, in our city. There is one literally less than a mile from my place, and though it really isn't all that easy to get to, it is seen all the time as I drive by it nearly every day of the week. If I go to Target it is across the street. If I go down the road I see it to my right or my left depending on which direction I'm going. (I almost said depending on the side of the road I'm driving on as if I really had a choice! I'm in America! We are on the right, you know. Or at least, we should be.)  If I'm going North I see it. If I'm going South I see it. I see this particular Whataburger all the time. That was my point.

    One of the reasons I don't stop in and pick up a burger (and fries) is because I am on a rather strict diet, but I do find myself stopping by Braum's Ice Cream and Dairy, so I could If I wanted to, switch it up and go to Whataburger now and again. Well, today was that day! Laura and I were out getting crickets, which is something we do a couple of times each week, and we decided that on our way back home we would stop at Whataburger! WHAT? That's right! We decided to live on the edge, do things a bit differently, and that is HUGE when you live with a Taurus! OMG...OMG...I was able to talk Laura (LAURA) into going to a different restaurant! WOW. Again, I say, WOW.  If you live with a Taurus, you may understand.

    Because I'm one of those "Go big or go home" types, I ordered the big fat juicy double bacon and bleu cheese burger. Yes, I did! It will be there tomorrow too, as I cut it in half. There was NO WAY I could eat that entire burger in one setting. If you think you've seen big burgers in American diners you may have because Americans like to over-serve, but Whataburger has an enormous burger in the Bacon Bleu Cheese Burger. Do it. I double dog dare you. It's amazing!!  They added just enough Bleu Cheese, not too overwhelming. I had the tomatoes removed, I'm not really a fan. I know, that's crazy since I love ketchup.  I will never really understand that. Laura ordered the simple Bacon Burger and both of us bought the meal which comes with fries and a drink. Unsweetened tea for me!! They do, however, have a Banana Pudding Shake! No, I'm not kidding. They do.

    I didn't see how big the burger was until I got home with it. I was eating my fries before they got cold when I reached into the bottom of my brown paper sack and almost couldn't lift the burger out of the bag! It was a good 3-4 inches thick and over seven inches across. This is a monster burger. Yeah, I cut it in half. There is a meal just waiting for me tomorrow. I can't do that with fries. I can't eat cold fries. Some people can. I am not one of those people. I also hate too much salt on my fries, and I'm told that in the UK I don't have to worry about that! Good. Here in the USA, we are over-salters....absolutely over-the-top over-salters. We have better ice here though. That's a gimme. We have that crunchy good chunky ice that you can just sit back and chew on. You don't even have to have a drink with it. Just ice. There are a few gagillion of us who do that.

    So you know, the big thing about Whataburger is the fact that the burgers are cooked over an open broil flame. They are not heated in a machine or fried on a flat steel grill, they are subjected to flame and it makes a huge huge difference in the way they taste. I'm going to say it, and Braum's won't like me for saying it, but Whataburger is going to be my go-to for Cheat Days. I will stop by Braum's for ice cream, not gonna lie about that, but yeah, the burger is better at Whataburger. Why have I been denying myself this precious commodity for so long? Dummy. No words.

    Let's see if I can put the nutritional facts here for you so you can understand what you're subjecting yourself to if you come here and order a double Bacon Bleu Cheese Burger.  Hold on to your hats. These are approximate, and I'm getting the information from the website 

  • Calories 1250
  • Carbs   68
  • Fats 37
  • Sodium 1910
  • Sat. Fat  13
  • Sugar 12
So, all in all, not good for you. Just sayin'. I don't endorse this burger for a healthy lifestyle. It is, however, an amazing treat and you may deserve to give yourself a break if you're able to do so without harming your body or your diet. If you need to ask your doctor before you indulge in this sort of crazy, you should do that. Best of fun and food!  Enjoy! If you are from the UK and you come to this part of the world, I would say you owe it to yourself to do this.  My meal was $12 USD.

Photo Credit: Whataburger. 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

The Latest "Snake Oil" in my Life.

 Recently, a friend (who shall not be named) accused me of falling for the latest snake oil, basically claiming my diet, exercise program, and workout ethic was enough for me, and that I didn't need t take the supplements, oils, and things I give to myself such as vinegar/baking soda baths, etc.  She stated that by me taking or using activated charcoal, I was wasting my time, effort, and money. She claimed burning my toast would be sufficient. This is the type of ignorance I would dismiss as folly and foolishness for the most part, but these words were coming from an educated woman who has by all means and ways, given up on herself.  She will purposely remind herself and others that age happens and that we should go with it. We shouldn't try to look or feel younger, we should embrace our oldness and deal with the way the chips fall! I guess she and I will have to agree to disagree!  She sees the glass half empty, so she pours out the rest and smashes the glass! I see it as half full, and top it off!

    My latest "Snake Oil" is an old one, it's a former one, I should say. About two years ago I found it, and I used it. It worked, it worked very well.  It worked so well that I overused it, I literally abused it, and it bit me squarely in the ass!  I wound up overdosing on what I know now is a real thing while using BHB salts! PLEASE BE CAREFUL IF YOU DO IT.  BHB is the ingredient so many of these new distributors are using in their Shark-Tank-approved gummies or tablets.  They claim you plop it, the fizzy tab, into 4 ounces of water, and you drink it. Well, that's what BHB salt is, a dissolvable salt that when activated with water or liquid, becomes what it is, a great supplement to one's diet and exercise program. The ins and out of it can be Googled or researched of course, but the long and short of it is, that it suppresses your appetite while simultaneously boosting your metabolism. Win-Win, right? It is until you do what I did, which was to OVER do it. Don't be like me. THINK first.

    I thought it over and realized two things. I remembered that the BHB did work for me. I also remembered that I abused it. I know that if I use it again, I will not be an idiot, and in fact, I will cut back on even the daily recommended dosage until I see results and then I'll either adjust as needed or more likely, I will keep it where it is. I can lose weight slowly, I am not opposed to that.  Having a daily routine is key to your diet and exercise program. Having a supplement that helps and you know it works, is also a benefit. Kin to using too much of anything, using BHB as a weight loss assist, can be thought of like this: if you're into Keto you do Keto things such as dropping carbs and sugar. If you're into Paleo you eat meat and other proteins. If you're not into all that, but you want a good diet and exercise program that you know will work for you, only you can determine that.  I bought a pack on Amazon, just BHB and Calcium. I can control how much I use.

    For me, I get up in the morning and stretch.  I walk the dog, write in my journal, eat breakfast around 10:00 a.m. and I either work out at 10:30 or go for a stroll. I study or work, I make a good light lunch and use a protein shake as most of that lunch. I wait until 2:30 and eat another light meal, usually a sandwich or something. I do this small meal thing to keep my metabolism going. BHB does that too, and if I only use a little of it I think (and feel) that I will be OK. If I feel or think I'm not OK, I will be the first to toss the bag into the bin and move forward.  I take my vitamins before noon and my supplements after 2:00 p.m. Around 6:00 p.m. I eat dinner and walk another 3 miles either outside or on the treadmill. I take my poopy pills, fiber through psyllium husk, around 8:00 p.m. and I drink copious amounts of water all day! By copious, I mean I drink over 100 ounces of water every day, not including my coffee or tea. I drink a heck of a lot of water.

    Some of the supplements I use are multi-vitamins, papaya enzyme, B12, Zinc, and D3 separate from the multi, Dhea, probiotics (several on a rotation basis as was suggested by my doctor) raspberry ketones, activated charcoal, and collagen. LOVE me some collagen. I use it in liquid intake, powder, and oil for my face. I use a lot of collagen, and I think it works.  What do I think about all of the other supplements? My joints don't hurt much. I mean, my knee does, but the rest of me doesn't. I have more energy than the folks around me no matter what their age. I walk 6-8 miles a day, tend to wake up with a positive attitude, and I think the world is going to Hell but I don't have to because I have hope in the future here and in Heaven. It's more about the mind really, isn't it? Using liquid Ginseng is a great additive to my routine, and I do that as well as spiking my smoothies with things such as Kacip Fatimah, Googeberry, Cranberry powder, papaya seed, sesame seed, flax seed, and more collagen. Why not? If my body doesn't need it I think it will flush it. If it does need it, if it can be used, it will absorb it.

    The probiotics I take to balance my hormones. When we get older our bodies need manual adjustments that we can't receive from just eating well. The probiotics help adjust mood hormones as well as fat-storing hormones. I stay healthier, happier, and for the most part in a great mood. Why would I want to be less than the happy, healthy person I am? If I wanted to stew in my own old and decrypted mindset, I'd be the age I am.  I think I have proven to myself and anyone around me that I have the experience and maturity of my actual age, but not the body, not the mindset, not the attitude, and not the outlook.  Call it the Peter Pan syndrome, but it's not about not growing up, it's about not growing tired or useless. It's about not throwing in the towel, giving up, and accepting the consequences of time. No, you don't have to do that. You can become a new YOU just by changing the way you eat, the way you work out, the way you think, and the way you believe. 

    Giving up sugar wasn't hard for me, I found a better life after I did.  Giving up carbs isn't something I wanted to do, so I lessened them. It's a personal choice. My personal choice is to choose to be happy or at least if I can't do that, I can find joy in my life. I can be thankful for the things I do have and the things I hope to have rather than just accepting defeat and living amongst the scabs of my past. What didn't kill you makes you stronger, so let it go and live! I am giving up negativity in all of its forms. If that means finding new friends I'll find new friends. I won't be held down or held back by would-be nay-sayers who can't choose the brilliant bright life God has chosen for them. MOVE FORWARD not inward! Let God have the reins and be totally free!  I've said it before, and I'll continue saying it, to be bound to Christ is to be truly free.  

    My latest "Snake Oil" may or may not work. If it works it stays, if it doesn't it goes away. That can be said for literally everything, and everyone in my life who determines for themselves to be painstakingly contrary, dissenting, and colorless. Bland is not tolerated. SHINE! Choose to be bright. Choose to be bold. Choose to stand out and stand up for yourself. CHOOSE to be the YOU that only YOU can be. I will continue to be me, as I am the only me I could ever be.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Hemp Away!

 I was today years old when I found out about Hemp protein. Why? Why am I always one of the last to know about really great products that have been both on the market for years and they have been serving and helping others for that long if not longer? Hemp seeds are sometimes controversial due to the fact that they are associated with marijuana, but that plant and its products are now legal in many states. You can eat it, you can chew it, you can smoke it, you can bake your brownies if you want to. I think there is still a limit on sharing your "product" with others, and you can't have a garage full of it or the plants themselves. Those types of things are frowned upon unless you go the distance and get your license(s). I don't think that will happen to me.

    I will however imbibe in the whole holistic habit of bettering my body by using hemp protein for both weight loss and muscle building. I'm rather excited and expectant about my new form; I don't mind trying new powders and proteins to create the best results. The other day I ran across a blog post of a woman who was really fit and I just fell in love with her muscle structure because her body shape and design resembled my own, and I know that if I work hard, eat correctly, exercise, rest, and do what I'm supposed to do, I could end up with the form I want! It's doable! It's a goal, something I can set and look forward to. It's an achievement and no one loves reaching a personal goal more than I do. I kick my own butt, I don't need anyone else doing that for me. 

    If I set a goal, if I set my mind to something, you don't have to worry about it, just consider it done. I may have to patiently wait for time to catch up, but the deed is done, and I will prevail. I am nothing if not persistent, and that goes triple for myself. I am the one person I want to impress. I don't care what everyone or anyone else thinks, I want my approval! This is going to be great. I can already tell. I've been reading about it, I've searched the internet, and asked people at the health stores, I'll call my doctor on Monday to get her opinion. My dermatologist told me that she's been using hemp protein and drops for over three years and she dropped another 14-16 pounds when she did! She is younger than me, but still had that baby fat to get rid of - she believes the hemp protein was a key factor in that loss! I hope so.

    According to health experts, doctors, medical studies, and more, hemp protein is an awesome way to get your body full of antioxidants, magnesium, and more than 20 amino acids in fact, and it has a good amount of fiber as well. Love my fiber. Just be careful not to overdo the fiber thing and end up stopped up, that's not fun. Water, water, and more water. The thing is, I drink about 100 ounces or more of water every day, so that's not been an issue, but I wanted to put it out there for people who don't drink as much as I do.  Hemp protein also provides essential fats such as Omega 3 and Omega 6.  You can't get high or intoxicated with hemp powder, though it does have a tiny bit of THC, it's not even close to the illegal limit, and the powers that it carries outweigh the negative nellies trying to be all religious on you. Go with science, the Bible never says a word about plant-based foods being bad for you. That being said, some plants are poisonous and you should know about that as well. Stay away from Bella Donna. Just sayin'. 

    Hemp powder is readily available at your stores, or it should be. I order mine on Amazon, but Trader Joe's has a pound canister for around $22.  I didn't see much of a difference between that brand and the one I ordered, but there was a price difference. I'm going to see what I think about the powder first before I try out different brands. I think I'm going to add my collagen to it obviously, and I'll use it for 30 days to see what, if any, differences I can see. This is gonna be one of those times when I do step on the scale just to see if there was a difference. I hate the scale and I said I wasn't going to step on it again, but I think I will so I can see if the product is playing a role in the transformation of this new body of mine. I hope it does. I'd love to say it was the key that opened the door to my success! I really would love to say that. Something has to give. I've been dieting and exercising like a mad woman for two years. I'd like to see more results than I am.

    The best thing about the new hemp protein powder is that I'm so new to it I don't have any prejudiced thoughts about it. It will be whatever it is. Some say it tastes funny, but I like grass. I don't know if I have ever said that, I think I have blogged about it. McDonald's unsweetened tea tastes like ice-cold grass in water, and I love it. I mean, I LOVE THE HECK OUT OF IT. So yeah, this shouldn't be a problem. I also like black licorice; you can make of that whatever you will. I think the hemp protein is going to be a friend. I will welcome it into my house, into my body, and then I will report the results. Heck, if they're really good results, I may post pictures! OMG! 

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