Friday, May 20, 2022

Day 2 of Blogging About it.

 So, I took the dog with me to walk about two (2) miles at the lake.  We have a nice little trail set up and if you were able to do so it would be a 9 mile trek.  I think I walked about 2.4 miles before the pooch gave out on me. She's nearly 10 years old, so I'll cut her some slack. She did however, stop me every 30 feet so she could smell the grass and tinkle. I may have to rethink the way I do this tomorrow.  I did (because I'm really nice) bring her water dish with me, and we stopped at a local restaurant on the trails so she could be refreshed.  That was a good thing.  She gulped the entire bowl empty in just seconds. I definitely need to rethink how I do this tomorrow.

    I stood on the scales today, you know, just to get a starting point. I wanted to scream, but instead I just blew air out of my cheeks until I felt calm enough to cry. I was just too mad. This was so upsetting for me because I had lost over 40 pounds and there I was looking at 15 of it again -- unacceptable. My clothes aren't any tighter than they were and you can tell me all day long that muscle weighs more than fat, I don't care. That was not acceptable. Something needs to go, and by something, I do mean my weight.  The thing is, I don't fret, I don't worry, I try not to get down about anything -- but this was tough. God's got it. I can rest (well, no, I won't really rest, I'll work...harder)

    I'm not going to step back on the scales again for 30 days. I figure I can give myself a solid 4 weeks of working out, boxing, dancing, riding, walking, and good dieting with low sugar, low carbs, no red meat, etc., and then I'll do the whole shock-me-to-the-core routine! Damn, that was not fun.  I'm back to it, and I'll be OK, but just to let you know, these things happen to good people too. I'm just going to suck it up and face all reality rather than pick and choose what I work on. 

    About a week ago I decided this needed to be blogged about so others can take advantage of the good, the bad, the ugly, and the success. There will be NO FAILURE on this one, maybe slower progress than first anticipated, but I will conquer this. IT WILL HAPPEN!  Today I received the 4-pound workout vest from Amazon. I don't know the brand, it wasn't expensive, and it's easy to wear. It's the 2nd one I've purchased, as the first one was snug under my armpits and it ended up going to the grands. This one has the capacity to add another 4 pounds to it, so that's good. I don't think I want any more than 8 additional pounds on me when I walk.  I have weighed wrist bands as well, they are 2 pounds each.

    That's it so far, it's a bit past noon and I've walked 3 miles today. I'll pick up another 3 this evening and just get into this routine for now. My daughter Laura and I put in 1 mile this morning before she went to work. I work from home, makes it a bit easier.  We'll get this done! It will happen.  Go  out there and get your walk on!!  Double Dog Dare you!!

Food intake:

Breakfast: Egg with cheese, ham, grapes

Smoothie:  Banana, Coffee, Protein mix, yogurt, Collagen, and the powders I use (Maca, Papaya, Ginger, Cranberry and Flaxseed)

Lunch: grapes, cheese, and a brat

Dinner: Braum's Strawberry Balsamic Chicken salad with pineapples and walnuts.

Trail Mix - 1 scoop

Total:  1400 calories 

Photo Credit: Me

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