Monday, May 23, 2022

Day 5 Blogging About it

 Not the best day to catch a good blog. I'm not all that chipper today. I was just sort of mopey and whiney all day but at least only my dog heard me. I did take it to prayer and so yeah, Jesus put up with my complaining as well. I'm just not in a great mood after finding out that a person I respected has decided to throw his family away (essentially) for his own personal freedom and lust-following. Sorry, I'm not going to go into it really, but I will say that there are 67 verses in the Bible against his choices, and not a single verse for it -- go figure. God said NO and this guy whose supposed to be a Christian and a leader of others is now choosing to leave the ministry for folly - - yeah, sort of put a damper on my mood. 

    The weather was right there with me, but to be honest, I needed the storms. I was feeling exactly that way inside and the thunder and lightning outside my window made my self pity seem more like a natural event. I cried, it rained. I screamed a little, lightning struck somewhere. I bitched and moaned as the thunder rolled - - and then there was a break in the clouds and Jesus basically called me back to Himself and I was OK. I tell myself it's "Not my monkeys not my circus" but anymore I think the clowns are certainly taking over. 

    Health-wise, all is well. I ate well, worked on my personal space with Jesus and just sort of laid it all out there. I worked on a plan to rest my legs and get some stretching in for now. It's an important piece of the puzzle - - stretch and stretch more after that. You just can't over do that warm up unless you hyper extend, so don't do that. Just be careful and roll around if you need to. Ibuprofen works good. Hot baths and essential oils work good too.  Just needed a break. I got that break today. I'm good.

Food? I think it hit the 1500 mark with the smoothie I made. I added at least too much chocolate to it. I think it was necessary and I think it was warranted. I feel better -- I'm not even going to look at the walking count  - - OK now I have to look. Wow...yeah, not reporting that. It's a rest day. I rested. Tomorrow may be a repeat if the weather continues, and I hope I can do more stretching, that really felt great. I have an interview tomorrow too, so there's a chance I'll be smiling and making eye contact. To be honest I'd rather stay home in my jammies to work, but it may happen that the big bad wolves call me out of the cave to be a human again. Damn.


Breakfast: bowl of Oat Squares by Quaker.

Smoothie: Chocolate protein and collagen with the powders and an avocado.

Lunch: Canadian bacon, cheese and a toasted tortilla but it didn't really turn out the way I thought it would.

Dinner: Brats, cheese grapes.

Snack: Trail mix.

Photo Credit: 

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