Sunday, May 22, 2022

Day 4 Blogging About it.

 It's Sunday, May 22, 2022, and I have just finished my daily walk. I typically go all the way past 9:00 p.m. but not today. I have been walking upwards of 6-7 miles a day and my legs basically fall off my body by the end of that. I was going to be really good to myself yesterday, but still ended up walking over 5 miles. I woke up thinking today was the day I could just lay around the house and do nothing, but the weather was absolutely wonderful! There's no way I was going to waste that. It's only 66 degrees outside and coming off a nearly record high 96 average from last week - - nope, I was walking today even if it killed me....and then I stopped. LOL

    I walked about 11,200 steps I guess before stopping the official walk - - my right knee was holding out but the muscles behind my knee and going into my calf were protesting. There wasn't really much of a discussion with myself over the matter, I drug myself into the house and plopped my deadness into the hot bath water.  For those of you who don't know me, I bathe in water as hot as I can take it, and I add a cup of vinegar, 1/2 a box of baking soda, almond oil, lavender essential oil, and of course no bath would be complete without Dr. Teal's Lavender Foaming bath and pure Epsom salt. I spoil me. I love me.

    The intake of the right types of food is so very important when someone is trying to be healthy. There's something to be said about having your DNA run to find out what sort of history your genes come from so you can plan a better future for yourself in terms of better eating, better exercise, better everything. Did you know that some DNA patterns are more preprogrammed (bad choice of word I guess) towards having a disease or disorder? Yes, you knew that because we all know that some physical health traits are in fact hereditary. DNA analysis goes up those lines and finds even deeper clues to help a person determine what is and what isn't good for their blood and body. (How overly simplified was that?)

    I have Type 0+ blood and I know my DNA charts well enough to know that I actually, as a body, as a person, crave red meats, but I also know that I don't want to eat too much of it for fear that I won't digest it as completely as I need to. I do much better with pork, chicken, and fish than I do with beef even though I LOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE a good steak.  That's me, I eat cows. I won't even apologize for it. I just don't eat as many or as much of a cow now as I used to, but those birds walking around the farm are certainly fair game! 

    OK, so let's call it out, this is early, but I can tell you what I've eaten today and what I will be eating later because dammit it I am a disciplined woman! I can say what I'm going to eat and stick to it! Let's go. 

Breakfast: Eggs, cheese, 1/2 bagel with butter and lemon curd, grapes and coffee with creamer.

Lunch: Left over taco salad: chips, meat, beans, cheese, sour cream, tomatoes and lettuce.

Snack: Banana Protein Smoothie with powders and vitamins.

Dinner: Brats, cheese, apples with honey

1300-1400 calories tops!

100+ water/tea lemon-water

4.3 miles now, but I'll add another .7 to round it off to a 5 mile day.  

Listened to some "Bubba" music along the way. 

Photo Credit: Mark Chestnutt

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