Thursday, May 19, 2022

Spring Fitness 2022 - Day 1 of Blogging

 This will basically be a way to keep track of the calories and the exercise. I'll throw in a few tips and hints, things that happened and all that. I have another blog that I write, but this one is just for the weight loss and I may only do this through Summer 2022. We'll see what happens.

I won't put my weight at this time, but when I reach my weight goals, which is in about 30 pounds, I'll be sure and post photos and talk about how I lost over 70+ pounds total since August 2020.  I really haven't been active in the weight loss since February 2021, more or less just coasting on the 40+ I lost and living well. I worked out, exercised, and kept the weight in place, but now I'm really wanting to get it down to what I think is more attractive on me. I don't care if anyone else finds me to be attractive, and I don't ever tell anyone when they should start losing weight - - UNLESS it has reached a point where it can be dangerous to them; then I do.

    Today I walked 5.3 miles, around 14,000 steps and I went up the stairs 15 times according to the phone's stats. I have the phone and I have the Very Fit Pro watch, so I'll start wearing it more often and see if the phone and the watch jive on what the stats are. I've been told that for every 2000 steps you burn 100 calories, so that's 50 calories for 1000 steps, and I walked about 14,000 so that's 750 calories burned. Love it.  I also boxed for about 10 minutes today and I worked out on the vibration plate. What I do there is literally do squats with a 10-pound bar either over my head, or I lift it, and swing it and all that.  If I had to guess I'd say I burned over 1000 calories today and I took in about 1200-1500 calories, so today was a great wash day! Woot!

    My goals are to lose the 30 pounds (I'm calling them points now) by Mid August 2022, but if I come close I'm good. I'm not going to ding myself for a date, it will happen when it happens. I'll keep working and keep making good decisions. I gave up the ice cream - - tough one, but I did give it up today.  I can do it once a week as a reward and that's really all I need. 

    Tomorrow Laura and I are getting up to walk around 6:15 a.m. and I'll try to get 3000-4000 steps in before breakfast, another 3000-4000 during the day and another 3000-4000 in the afternoon, and yes, another 3000-4000 in the evening. I'd love to have a good 16,000 steps 3x a week. Let's see if we can make that happen!

Breakfast:  Oatmeal with cranberries, walnuts, heavy cream and milk.

Lunch: cheese, olives, grapes

Smoothie:  Avocado and blueberry with yogurt

Dinner: Brats, grapes, cheese, and olives

WATER!!!  (Tea and water) over 100 ounces. 


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