Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Day 6 Blogging About it.

 It was a funny day yesterday, and one that I am really glad to have had. I was able to relax and not really over do anything. I did the same thing today as well.  Yesterday, I was in a bit of a mood because a could be or would be friend had decided to throw his Christian witness to the wind and just live a lifestyle that he absolutely knows (since he's a Believer) is wrong. Hey, it's his life to ruin. I'm here to encourage and support, but I can't get behind anyone who chooses to spit in the face of my Lord; calling oneself a Christian, leading worship, singing and praising Christ's name and then doing a 180? No. I'm just not going to be a part of that. I sort of hit me hard and in reality, I really shouldn't even care.  I let my connection to him draw me in for far too long (prayer and support) but today is the day I walk away. It doesn't feel good -- no, it feels really sad, but it is a necessity. Toxicity is something we don't need in our lives. Not even toxic fumes from what I may or may not hear on the internet - - he's gone! I'll still listen to the old music, but the new stuff may have to be forced on me in the future. I tore up my "fan card" as it were. 

    How does that have anything to do with my diet? EVERYTHING. We are not just a body. We are a mind, a body, and a soul all collected and wrapped up into one person.  When our soul hurts, when our mind hurts, when our body hurts, we feel it all over, not just in that one compartment. Getting rid of the gunk that pulls us down mentally will help us to be more focused on the body and the soul's needs. Here we go! 

    Today I ate well, but I didn't eat anything until after I came back home from an amazing interview. I've said it a 100 times, I am so much better off working for myself because people are too peoplely, but I think I may have found a good people-place where my skills, unique perspective on Securities and trading, as well as my background in both insurance and law have a role to play! I'll find out tomorrow. Today, I had coffee until 1:00 p.m. then I made myself a sandwich. I used TWO pieces of wheat bread because I can! I'm really radical like that. I also had grapes and started the tea -- I do coffee until about 11 a.m. then it's tea, then water and lemon water to finish out the 100+ ounces of intake throughout the day. 

    Meditation, binaural beats, harp and flute music, I sat in my little chair and did a really long breathing and praying session just before bed last night. I found really good music on YouTube and just let it invade the space in my head for about an hour before turning in and finding myself more willing to let go of what I knew I should have let go of about a year ago, but I wanted to give this "friend" every chance possible. I did, and I am now walking way -- it has to be this way. For the rest of the day we have:

Breakfast: Didn't have it

Lunch: Turkey on wheat, provolone cheese, mustard, grapes and carrots.

Snack: Trail mix (2 scoops, oh my)

Dinner:  2 chicken strips (air fryer) and jasmine rice, grapes and carrots

WATER WATER WATER....and lemons.

Meditation: Harps and binaural beats for about 30-40 minutes before bed. PERFECT.

Photo Credit: Get Stencil

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