Saturday, May 28, 2022

Days 9 & 10 I think. Blogging About it.

 Well, over the past two days I've clocked a few miles on the walking front. I think I put in 6.5 yesterday and 7 today. I went to the Paseo Arts Festival in Oklahoma City with my good friend Niki. We totally RUINED our 3.7 walking stint with a majorly sugary and carb-lit drink from Oasis Cafe! She had an avocado smoothie with boba and I have the watermelon boba smoothie. Can NOT tell you have great it was to have such an amazing cold drink after walking 3.7 miles in the 92 degree sun as it beat on us like hammers!  We loved it.

    Again, because I'm that way, I didn't eat until after 12:00 p.m. again. I made lunch for Niki and I, and it ended up being eggs with cheese, onion, and garlic with an Everything bagel. We both put lemon curd and butter on our bagels. I love good bacon, so we had to throw that in there. I think I had 2 or 3 slices. I had grapes, and coffee with cream.  GREAT food, great way to stock up on fuel before hiking it off to the Paseo!!  (It's an Artsy part of Oklahoma City)

    We walked and we hunted. We came across so many wonderful pieces and if we had $$$$ we would have purchased so many things. We love talking to the artists. That's the most fun. We walked and we wished and we dreamed and we pretended. But in the end we just clocked our steps and then went for the drinks at Oasis Cafe.  Following the drinks we headed downstairs to the enormous Asian Market which always smells terribly but we can get the best food there.  The fish market in the back is more than real, and the butchering of animals can be watched if you're into that. We are not into that.

    Sixteen boxes of tea later, I was purchasing ginger candies, maybe three different types. We both both licorice, black licorice. We love it. If you're going to do it, you do it. We do it. It's amazing. We both bought things: produce, (she forgot to split the mint with me, so I have a bunch of mint now) and we bought licorice, candy, crackers, snacks, she got a pineapple and tiny bananas. I love that store. I love that store!!  We have to go back. I'm sure there's a tea I didn't get.

Food for the day:

Breakfast: didn't eat it

Lunch: Eggs, cheese, bagel, lemon curd/butter, and grapes with BACON

Dinner: Two slices of pizza from Dominoes. It was here so I ate it. Pepporoni.


Water and more water, more and more water and the best smoothie EVER!

Photo Credit: ME

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