Sunday, July 3, 2022

Day 43 Blogging About it (7.3 miles Walking)

 On average, I would say I walk about 6 miles a day.  Some days I walk less and some days, like today, I walk more. Today, I walked 7.3 miles before calling it quits. There's a thought inside my head that wants to try and do more than that, but I think my body thinks 7.3 is good.  When I was younger I would walk for about 10.2 miles each day and it would take just over 2.45 hours.  My friend Sharon and I would start out at 5:45 p.m. and get back around 8:30.  We mostly did this in the summer, but here in Oklahoma, it's often over 100 degrees at 5:45 p.m. in the summertime. Dang, we must have been really young and healthy!  I wait until 7:30 p.m. to do most of my walking now.

    I probably put in about 1.5 miles from the time I wake up until the time I go walking in the evening.  I just don't torture myself like I once did. I remember being thin during those years, that's for sure. I'm hoping to return to the glory years when it comes to healthy living. That would be really great!  I'd also love to swap some of my body parts out for the shape I had back in the day.  After I was finished walking I would stop by the neighborhood 7-11 and get myself a Fresca! Can you remember those? was a different time for sure. 

    We didn't have cell phones, Netflix, computers, or really any worries. We just had friends to walk with, talk with, dream, and argue with. We had real times, not all the gossip and drama kids have today. Give me the lamppost! Give me the banana-seat bikes! Give me a galvanized steel slide that stood on concrete and had bolts holding the slide to the frame that rocked every time you ran up it! I wouldn't trade those days for the stress kids put on themselves today. We caught live fish with our hands in the creek when I was 10; I think I prefer that time.  Not gonna lie, I had a great childhood.  I see that now.  I get all excited if I go 7.3 miles -- I think I would have considered myself pretty lazy if I had only gone 7.3 back then.

Breakfast: NOPE

Lunch: Pastrami, cheese, and lemon gouda slices.

Snack: Kefir, almond milk smoothie with blueberries and my powders.

Dinner: Hamburger meat with rice and spice.

Snack: one scoop of ice cream with chocolate and caramel!! YES

TEA!!! TEA!!! WATER.....and more water. (1 coffee)

1600+ calories

Photo Credit: ME (at Lake Hefner)

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