Friday, July 15, 2022

Days 52 and 53: Blogging About It (Moon Pie)

 I do believe I've reached a point where I am no longer going to bother blogging about my daily diet and/or exercise. There is a reason; actually, there are a few.  One of the main reasons is that I really don't think enough people are reading blogs to make a difference.  Another reason is, I am not seeing the results I wanted to see, and therefore, I am not really achieving the goals I wanted to achieve. I haven't gained any weight, but I haven't lost any either. It's literally been 7 weeks and I am exactly the same weight even though I have eaten under 2000 calories every day and I've been exercising at least five days a week.  I walk about 5 miles a day on average. You'd think there would be a difference! There is not.

    That being said, today is my last blog for the Dwindling Author for a while.  If I pick it back up it will be down the road.   Today is CHEAT DAY!  I am cheating in true Southern American style too.  I decided to have an entire Moon Pie for dessert at lunchtime.  We have a Swedish friend visiting and he's never seen the Moon Pie before, so it was a must!  Actually, to be honest, I sort of cheated yesterday as well since we picked him up from the airport and literally took him to Braum's for burgers and fries!  I mean, I was under 2000 calories yesterday, but just barely. I may end up being under 2000 today as well, but I feel that eating a Moon Pie (300 calories) does in fact qualify as cheating.  Big time.  It was OK. 

    They changed the dang recipe for the Moon Pie! The bakery in Chatanooga, TN has been making the Moon Pie since 1919. It was invented by a traveling salesman named Earl Mitchell back in 1917.  It is supposed to be two graham crackers (shaped in a circle) and a marshmallow center. The whole thing is then dipped in chocolate. It's a Southern thing really, but now you can buy them all over the U.S. Whenever anyone from another country comes to visit we hit up the Braum's, we buy Moon Pies, we make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, drink a Coke with peanuts in the bottle, and we have to go to at least one BBQ restaurant that was established in Oklahoma! Thems the rules.

    Not happy that they now have three graham crackers in the Moon Pie, and they seem a bit dry as well. The chocolate is not as good or thick as it used to be. I understand the reasoning to a degree; it's cheaper, but damn, don't do that. Don't change the product! Charge more if you need to, but don't change the product to be something less than what it was. Oh well, I'm not in charge. If I were there would be so many more naps, and the coffee would be flowing pretty early too. No one really wants me in charge. Trust me. I can be a taskmaster, but I swear, I only ask anyone else what I would expect from myself.

Breakfast: Didn't have it

Lunch: PBJ and Moon Pie

Snack: Matcha Green Tea smoothie

Dinner: Ted's - - way over the limit (enchiladas, tortillas, salsa, and queso.) Yeah, I am officially cheating today.


Photo Credit: Wikipedia

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