Friday, July 8, 2022

Day 47: Blogging About It (Took a Job)

 I've been unemployed for the entire summer and part of spring due to a misunderstanding with my employer.  She thought I wasn't catching on (I had been at the job exactly one month) and I knew I was catching on to what it was she was training me for.  She terminated me on April 12, having been hired on March 11. On my last day of employment I had completed 10 of the reporting tasks she had asked me to do, she only expected me to do 3.  There you go, I was 3x better than she thought I was, but she had already submitted my termination papers. The company decided to uphold her recommendation.  Life can suck. I know this.

    I've been using the time off to study my Forex trading and now I'm studying Options as well.  I have been applying for positions and I have been interviewing. I did accept a position today with a federally funded grant program through the Department of Labor. I will be (if I pass the background check) a facilitator of education for young adults who have had things pretty rough.  I won't give the name of the facility out of respect for the students. Suffice it to say I'm not so much of a teacher as I will be a steady hand when they need to ask questions or find ways to figure things out for themselves. 

    The students are on a self-paced program to complete their education and I'm going to be there to guide and facilitate.  It is an in-house dormitory/school setting and no, I won't live there, but I will eat breakfast and lunch with the students as well as take walks around the grounds with them, all the while talking, teaching, helping, listening, and guiding them. I was even allowed to use the words "Jesus" and "salvation" but I'm not supposed to browbeat anyone with my faith. I can handle that.  I think it should be a good fit -- we'll see. I won't discuss the students online and I won't say the name of the facility out of respect for the students, but I do thank God that I am going to be useful, and hopefully learn along the way.

Breakfast: Oatmeal with flaxseed, cranberries, walnuts, and molasses.

Lunch:  Didn't eat it.

Snack: chocolate, trail mix, and a TURTLE SUNDAE (to celebrate)

Dinner: Chicken spinach salad with balsamic dressing.

Calories: 1600

Water, fizzy water, tea, coffee, iced tea, and water.

I walked over 4.3 miles later in the evening! 

Photo Credit:

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