Monday, July 11, 2022

Day 50!! Blogging About It (Looking at Homes)

 If I am realistic about it, and not just fantasizing, I would say that I'll more than likely stay in Oklahoma and not move to Scotland. Though my heart stays in Edinburgh most of the time, I know I would grow really really tired of not being able to just jump into my car and take off for the nearest Braum's Ice Cream and Dairy Store. Who am I kidding? There are no Braum's in Scotland!!! (Yet)  I would not be able to do just about anything I want to on a whim, and as a very spoiled American, that would really not set well.  I'm nothing if not spontaneous! I would be forced to plan even the smallest of trips if the grocery store were more than a mile away.  I can visit each year. That may be a better plan.

    I'm about to take on a new challenge professionally, and though I'll be facilitating and instructing rather than teaching, I will be gone most of the day. I'll have to trade while on break, on lunch, when I go home, and Sunday nights since the Australian market will be open then.  I can set alarms and alerts to keep it both going and interesting, but for me, the plan to just do Forex or Options will be one year out at least. I will need to take things slowly and build it up, but it will happen. I am a good planner. I can do this.

    I'm looking at homes in the 25-mile range of where I'll work, and that will put me in the country, but that's OK.  The U.S.D.A. actually pays 100% of the financing upfront, and there are only closing costs to worry about. It's literally $6000-10,000 cheaper this way, and I have a small-town lifestyle ahead of me....and a Braum's.  Every small town in Oklahoma has both a Braum's and a Sonic, both are Oklahoma-based companies, and I will BE OK as long as I can walk to a grocery store to get my steps in, board my horse close by at a neighbor's house and get another dog to run the fencelines!  I really am looking forward to this. I'm thinking I'll get a bigger dog for outside and bring him/her in during the evening hours. Maybe a German Shepherd. I like them.  Then again, Golden Retrievers were first bred in Scotland. I could be closer to my heart home.

 Breakfast: Cereal!! Oat squares

Snack: licorice and trail mix

Tea: Biscuits with jam and honey

Lunch: Avocado smoothie with peaches and powders

Dinner: Spaghetti and meat sauce.

Water, tea, water, lemon water, water, tea, and coffee.

Calories:  1500

Walking: 10,000-11,000 steps.

Photo Credit:

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