Sunday, July 10, 2022

Day 48/49 Blogging About It (Good Dream / Gaelic)

 So, I accepted the job at the federally run operation that has an educational component to it. It's not quite a prison, as the students are not under arrest or in custody. They agree to be there, and the government pays their way while they study. They have a very specific responsibility to the government for both their behavior and their academic path. They can only stay a maximum of two years, so for some, it's a big thing. They have to cram four years of education into two, but for others, they only have to stay a few months to get their diploma and find a good job on the outside. It's a win-win if the students follow through on their side. It's a win for me either way.

    That being said, I  have been given permission to speak Gaelic to anyone who decides to speak another language other than English to me.  I am an English speaker, and they are being instructed in English. They have agreed to fulfill and adhere to all of the standards and the rules, therefore, speaking another language other than English is out of the question.  If they speak their native tongue to me, I am going to give them their instructions in Scots Gaelic.  We'll see if they straighten up; and just how long it will take them. This method has worked wonders for me in the past. I'm not good really at speaking Scots Gaelic, I'm still a learner myself.  I can, however, say "Hello, how are you? Who are you? Good afternoon friend" and they will have zero notion as to what I just said. 

    I did dream last night (again) and this time, instead of a story with a beginning and a middle and end, I was just riding around in a rickshaw thinking. I got out, and I saw a bush of Rose of Sharon, they were very vivid and bright purple. Loved it. I looked it up and the meaning is so wonderful. I am in a relaxed and thoughtful mood. I am being taken where I need to go, and when I get there I see goodness, hearty friends, and colleagues. I am in a good place in my life. I like that. I really do. God is just too amazing. I can't wait to meet Him in person/spirit.  Soon. Very soon. I think the Rapture is just imminent.  Hopeful.

Breakfast: Everything bagel and cream cheese.

Snack: Licorice and trail mix

Lunch: Pastrami on white with Harvati cheese & nectarine

Dinner: Choc. chip pancake!!

Calories: 1500 

Water, tea, tea, raspberry tea, coffee.

Walking: 10,000+ steps

Photo Credit: 

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