Friday, July 1, 2022

Day 41 Blogging About it (Del Taco - Who Knew?)

 I have no idea if your city has a Del Taco or not, but we have them here in Oklahoma City and let me tell you, they are really good. I was most impressed with the portions and the price.  I always double-check calorie counts when I go to a restaurant. I was pleased to see that the Del Taco grilled chicken salad has about 500-510 calories, and most of that comes from the avocado.  I ordered one for lunch, and at all the chicken of course, and about 85% of the salad.  I'm guessing I saved myself 25-30 calories, but it was really good -- I do recommend it when you don't have time to cook, or you just don't want to. It's really hot today, and I have friends coming over from out of town. 

    We'll end up walking the lake again tonight, as I have been doing for the past several nights. I'm not doing yoga. I'm not doing Doga. I'm not even boxing, jumping rope, or lifting weights today! Nope. I'm just gonna walk about 6 miles and all that a good day. I'll pack in about 1200 calories total, and with the water, tea, lemon water, and coffee, I'm thinking I'll be good to go.

    OH MY GOSH, I did want to record that I am such a DORK!! I ordered a bag of tea, and by bag I mean a pound of raspberry tea, crushed and organic.  It was something like $20 online with Amazon. I figured I would put some in the green tea that I have and it would be nice.'s big, and not only that, it's really good!!  I then decided to message my friend Niki about it since I'll be spliting it with her probably. There is a heck of a lot of tea in that bag!!  I didn't message Niki. NOPE. I messaged Bethany Christian Trust in Edinburgh, and that name is NOWHERE NEAR Niki's name. There was ZERO reasons for me to do that. But I did that. I couldn't figure out why Niki didn't respond. LOL

    Anyway, I'm a dork, and I own it.  I have enough raspberry tea to last me a year or more I'm sure. I'll probably not run out of it. If it wasn't any good I would have mixed it in with my hay and fed the horses, but it is good. Really good.

Breakfast: didn't have it.

Lunch: Del Taco grilled chicken salad

Snack: Cheez its, chocolate, and cheese

Dinner:  Brats, cottage cheese, grapes

TEA!! Water, water more water, and then lemon water and tea. With Coffee.

1200-1300 calories.

6 miles walking. 

Photo Credit: ME

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