Thursday, June 30, 2022

Day 40 Blogging About it (Jogging About it)

 I have pockets in all of my yoga pants and in all of my yoga shorts (OK, for the UK friends I should say yoga trousers 😅)  When I work out I put my phone into my pocket so I can officially count my steps. Jogging in place counts! Running in place counts! Boxing counts, and going up and down the stairs checking the mail and picking up my Amazon packages count!!  Today, even before lunchtime I was able to count the steps and I put in over 3500. I bet I do that most days and wasn't even counting the workout steps. That's crazy!!  From this day forward I will count every step I take if I can. (Maybe not the steps I take in the shower)

    Speaking of lunchtime, I just had my lunch and I am so very pleased to say that I just finished the last of the spaghetti squash that I cut up and ate for the past two weeks in the form of smoothies.  I'm not kidding. I paid $1.70 for a big fat yellow spaghetti squash, cut it open, scooped out the seeds and sprouts, and then cut the thing up, separated the pieces, stored them in bags, froze them, and used them in my fruit smoothies. Sometimes I added an avocado, other times I added strawberries, blueberries, peach, or mango.  I always add my powders which consist of 1/2 tsp of Ashwagandha, 1/4 teaspoon of papaya, 1/4 teaspoon of Kacip Fatimah, 1 full teaspoon of cranberry and flaxseed, and 1/2 teaspoon of the psyllium husk.  That's some powder mix right there. For the milk, I use almond with macadamia nuts or just almond milk.  I also add filtered water and because the squash and fruit is frozen, it gives it that slushy texture.

    LET ME TELL YOU -- it is such a wonderful smoothie and it's literally always under 250 calories with the avocado and about 175 with the fruit. Amazing! I top it off with whipped cream (15 calories) and a few pretty colored sprinkles. I'm worth it. I figure if I am not eating something big, fat, juicy, and deliciously bad for me, I can do a few sugar sprinkles. I have them in many colors just for that purpose! Fun and more fun.  After a great workout and hot shower, I'm absolutely ready for a cold icy smoothie these days.  Yes, please, and thank you.

Breakfast: Eggs, bacon, coffee 

Snack: Trail mix

Lunch: Squash / Strawberry smoothie

Dinner: Chicken, rice, grapes, and cheese.

1300 calories today, and more than 16,000 steps! I'm already up to 5,000 and it's only 2:00 p.m. we'll put in 10,000+ this evening for sure at the lake. BOOYAH!

Photo Credit: ME

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