Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Day 20 Blogging About it

 Such a day!! God showed up big time, and we had thunderstorms, lots of rain, and big flashes of lightning with rolling loud thunder. LOVE IT. I couldn't walk of course, but in the afternoon I was able to get out and make it happen.  It's a bit past 7:00 p.m. and I've walked just over 5.3 miles. I'll go back out in an hour or so and pick up another 2 miles. I'll finish strong.  

    What I did today that was a bit different, was to wear 2-pound wrist weights on my wrists while I went for the walks. I had a 4 pound vest as well, but it seemed to put a bit of extra strain on my chest and heart so I took it off after the first 2.5 miles. I walked the rest without it.  Which is funny when you think about it, because I know I've lost more than four pounds in my upper body, so I guess it's true what the doctors tell us about losing the extra pounds and being as healthy as we can be. When I see the photos of myself from even 2020 I want to cringe. I'm not where I want to be now, but I can't believe I was as heavy and as unhealthy as I was.

    A "friend" of mine online said about himself, speaking about how he was about a year ago, that he looked like a penguin trying to escape whenever he would take off running or jogging. I absolutely see that in myself as well. I'm not running, but I know I couldn't do much of any type of exercise back then without looking like I was struggling to move, to breathe, to even keep it going. I was really only able to dance for a few minutes without sweating and needing to rest. I took it one song at a time. It's hard to get back into shape once you've let yourself go! The same friend has dropped over 40 pounds and he could be described as a gazelle leaping now! He's really awesome. So proud of him. 

    The weights really helped to keep me focused today too. I had to keep my arms out from my body a bit when they were on my wrists. I didn't want to smack into my legs. I think it's going to be a great addition. I bought a second 8-pound weight to use when I'm watching YouTubes at night too. I can do this!! I will be a beast soon! Well, maybe not, but I'll be a bit healthier than I was in 2020 when I decided to change things for the better.  You can do it too. It takes time, yes, but it's so worth it. You're worth it.

Breakfast:  Bacon, Eggs, cheese, grapes, and coffee with creamer.

Snack:  Banana smoothie with chocolate and my powders.

Lunch: Tuna sandwich (but I shared it with the dog)

Dinner: Beef steak (4 oz) rice with lentils, grapes and Bubly!!

Snack tonight: cherries.  I'm the biggest bing cherry fan!!

1500 calories and lots of water water water, tea, and a Bubly! (and coffee)

Miles: I'll finish with 7.

Photo Credit: ME!  

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