Thursday, June 16, 2022

Day 27 Blogging About It (OUCH!)

 Ouchy!  I dropped a two-pound dumbbell weight on the pinky toe of my left foot.  NOT fun.  I was pretty quick in moving it out of the way so the full weight of it didn't smash into me, but damn, it really hurt and now I'm sitting over here laughing at myself. It's 100% my fault. My phone rang, and since it was in my pocket recording my steps, I had to set the weights down to pull the phone out of my pocket. In doing so I missed the edge of the desk by a tiny fraction of an inch and bam! I mean BAM!!!  I sort of caught it in the corner of my eye.  I simultaneously saw it, screamed, and moved at the same time.  Then I dropped my phone too. It's a thing. I'm a dork. It's official.

    Today it is going to be another scorcher outside so I decided to walk inside with my phone in my pocket, and with my little tiny weights since I'm just in my room.  I've been doing this thing where I hook up the good headphones on the 10-foot cord, put on my LED red light mask for staving off wrinkles, and I walk, listen to Steven Hart of The Trading Channel as he teaches me how to trade on the Forex, and I get the beauty treatments all at the same time. You can't eat or drink with the mask on, but it's a give-and-take thing. When the phone rang (Thank you, Niki) I instinctively just grabbed it, but missed the desk with the weight. I'll learn. It won't take more than say three or four times to get through to me. 

    Can you just imagine that image now? I'm pacing back and forth in front of my computer while wearing really cool headphones, my face is covered in a thin plastic LED light shield from forehead to chin, and I've got little weights (I can use 5 or 8 pounders, but do the 2 pounders for the lighter stepping) and I am listening to my guru coach telling me that the second shoulder of the H&S pattern has to break through the lower low of the first shoulder in order to be considered valid. This condition must be met or we can't call it an H&S (Head and Shoulder) pattern. We can do inverse patterns too, you know. We can! We can put trades in both ways. We can feed both the Bears and the Bulls. I am not against that! What I am against is me not being able to pay attention and hurting myself.  It's OK, I can rewind Steven, and I can cuss while talking to Niki, she doesn't care.

    For breakfast, which was after the noon hour, I did the following:

BREAKFAST:  (12:10 p.m.) Eggs with gouda cheese and ham, 1/2 bagel with cream cheese and grapes.

SNACK: trail mix

LUNCH:  Oh my gosh, I didn't eat lunch!! It's after 4:00 p.m. I think I'll hold out until 6 and eat dinner instead.

Dinner:  I'm doing a totally cool summer thing and just having 1/2 a spaghetti squash with oil and basil. I will have cherries or grapes I'm sure, and probably a chunk of either Feta or a few Mozza cheese balls. I spoil myself.

1200 - 1300 calories. 

I'm into lemon-lime water today and have already taken in more than 30-40 ounces. It will be well over 120 by the time I sleep - - but then I'll be up in the middle of the night to pee because of it. Oh well.

I'm at 4500 steps now, but I'll click off another 10,000-12,000 before the night is here and I must say goodnight. Until then. 


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