Monday, June 13, 2022

Day 24 Blogging About it (Heat!) wasn't as hot today as it was the past two days. We didn't hit 100 today, but the day is young!  We hit 103 and 102 respectively this past weekend. I wanted to call it quits and move to Alaska, but alas, that's way too expensive. I think I'll settle for Scotland, but it will be Spring 2023 before that can happen. I can plan, I can plan. The planning is the fun part.  The waiting is the hardest part. I would have put that in quotes to give Tom Petty credit, but he didn't really come up with that, he just used it in a song. Great song, too!

    I was actually quoting another Tom Petty song today to a friend of I just realized I could have said "I was talking to a friend of mine..."  Never mind, if you're not into Petty you may not get that one. It was funny though. It really was. Anyway, I was actually writing to a friend of mine today to let her know that we all have had things to fight in order to break chains that would have held us back. We all have been lied about. We all have been trampled on and pushed away. We've all been hurt, but it doesn't mean that the person who lied, carried on, or told rumors about us is right? We don't have to accept the way they treat us. We don't have to allow friends, family, or good people we've known for years be the hurting sources or the deciding factors in our lives! We don't have to continue to live like refugees; "No baby we don't"...OK, I'll stop.  

    We choose who we will be. We show our colors when we want to, not when others expect it. We say and do what we want to do because it's the right thing(s) to do, not because someone wants it. If we lived our lives to please others we would not be living OUR lives. We are to be honorable, truthful, mindful, and thoughtful, but we don't have to be spat on, lied to, mentally or physically abused, and we don't have to put up with memories expecting them to change over time. That time is OVER. It's best to turn the page. No, I won't start quoting Bob Seger, but you know, it may not be a bad idea. I did, however, today, with the same friend, quote Getty Lee of Rush. I am always using this one; "To choose not to decide, you still have made a choice".  It's so true. Life will move on, move ahead, and leave your ass right there if you don't pick yourself up and make things happen! Preparation is key. Be alert and be aware that you are you, no one else has that right, and no one else has that privilege. 

    Breakfast today was a cupcake thing I made yesterday, and I ate 1/2 of it. The dog had the rest.

Lunch: a piece of pizza from the store, it was nasty, so I only had about 3/4 of the slice.

Snack: Vanilla ice cream with chocolate and peanuts! Yum

Dinner: Burger! I was going to do Ramen but didn't have the noodles. Ugh. 

Calories: 1500 tops and only about 3 miles today folks. It's both too hot and the knee is on the mend.

Photo Credit: Tom Petty estate, ONE damn good LP

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