Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Day 38 Blogging About It (No Scales for Me)

 About a month ago or so I said I was going to wait until July to step back onto the scales because seeing the number last time was so devastating! I had lost inches, I could tell because my clothes fit differently. In fact, I had to change my wardrobe somewhat to accommodate for what I thought was weight loss. It wasn't weight loss, it was body shift. I hadn't lost a single pound. I had GAINED weight because of muscle mass.  I won't be stepping onto the scales until I am the size I want to be and I'm not there yet, but I can tell I'm making headway!!

    I still walk every day, but for the past week I've had to do more indoor exercise not only due to the extreme heat, but because we also had some neighbor issues. We live in a really sweet and quiet complex but the new neighbors have had their teenage sons over and they've been not only rowdy but a bit on the dangerous side as well.  I haven't felt comfortable walking at night for sure, and my anger about the situation has stopped me from (basically) doing much more than just the yoga and the stretch routine. I put in about 40-50 minutes a day now doing that. I love it, but I need to walk. I walked 10,000 or so steps yesterday and said to myself that I need to pick it back up. 

    Today, my friend and I will meet at the lake and walk 3.5 miles so that will suffice for now. It will be around 10,000 steps. We can do that in an hour or so and I can feel pretty good about the fact that I can find alternatives. I need to find an alternative to being upset about the weight gain too. I know I'm in better health, but we're all conditioned to seeing numbers and those numbers represent certain things. It didn't help that while growing up I'd watch a show and then read an article in a magazine where the actress from the show was claiming to weigh a certain amount -- there was NO WAY she was that thin, but everyone liked to say that the TV adds 10 pounds.  It was a lot closer to 30, to be honest.

    I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that I am no longer as large as I was, and I'm really super happy about it. I have that pouch still in the middle, but I think I can save up and have that removed with cool sculpting. I can do that for myself, but I want to be sure and get rid of as much as I can before doing it so I don't spend as much and I don't have to rely fully on it either. I want to be superhuman, but we all know that's not going to happen. I will settle for healthy-human instead.

Breakfast: Didn't eat it

Snack: Trail mix / and a tiny little sweet cake from Trader Joe's

Lunch: Pancake!! It was a chocolate sour cream darling and only 310 calories.

Dinner:  Two chicken strips, rice, brown gravy

WATER....lemon water, tea, and more water. One coffee.

50 minutes of yoga/Doga and then tonight's 10,000+ steps at the lake. WOO HOO!

1200 calories max! (You'd think I'd be a waif by now, but I'm not!)

    Photo Credit: Unknown

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