Saturday, June 25, 2022

Day 35 Blogging About It (Making Plans)

My friend wants to take me to Scotland in a couple of weeks, and I will not stop her. I won't be that friend who says "No, no, it's not necessary, you don't have to do that". I will be that friend that packs her bags and waits for the hour to strike so I can drive to her house and take both of us to the airport!  I am not above being pampered and taken care of; nope, not me. I will allow this!  We'll see if it happens or not. We're in the maybe stage right now.  She's thinking about it from all the angles and if it strikes her fancy to do it -- we'll do it.  

    We've done this before, and it always works out.  Once we jumped on a plane and headed out to Vegas together. We didn't have much time to plan, and we didn't have much going on in terms of winning at the slots, going to shows, or even just walking the streets to find cool and exciting things. I had to be there for a television show with my dog, and I said she was the handler, so she was allowed to hang with us! Gotta love show business.  That was a while back, and we've had too many setbacks to spontaneously just go - - so we're possibly going!

    Trust me when I say we won't do all the typical touristy things. We'll walk the streets, of course, see what we can see, find kirks, churches, and other really cool buildings to look at, and we'll hit the closes and the cobblestones.  We will spend a few days in Edinburgh, but I want to use most of the time scoping out areas I will soon be deciding between, as I plan on making Scotland my final home in spring 2023. I'll need to see flats, terraces, semi-detached, bungalows, and even detached houses, but I think to be honest I'll rent for the first six months and then do all the touristy things around Edinburgh to get all that out of my system. This trip will be a recon trip for sure - - and a bit of fun! You can't go to Edinburgh without stalking a few really handsome men in kilts and smiling a bit too much. 

Breakfast was with my buddy, we had bagels and coffee.

We didn't do lunch really - - had a tea at 2 p.m.

Dinner was a wee chicken strip, biscuit, and grapes.

Water, tea, tea, water, coffee.

Less than 2 miles of walking and NO other exercise. I was a TOTAL BUM today.

1000 calories though -- that's not the best thing to do for a body now, is it?

Photo Credit: Unknown Pinterest

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