Sunday, June 26, 2022

Day 36 Blogging About It (Kifir!)

 A friend of mine had not been to Trader Joe's for a very long time. I couldn't let that continue, so I did the only right thing I could, and took her to the store! If you have never been to a Trader Joe's you need to go.  First, you want to just walk through it without a basket, just taking in the smells, the colors, the textures, the essence that is wonderfully Trader Joe's-ish and you'll find yourself mentally spending money while at the same time you'll be mentally enjoying all the fresh flowers, great produce, dairy products, chocolates and then you'll imagine yourself firing up the oven for a fresh Greek cheese roll! Oh, you will thank yourself.

    After you have the imaginary trip completed in your head you'll need to go back to the front of the store and grab a basket so you can load it up with all the goodness you find.  I can't get out of that store without blowing through at least $100.  I also say to myself I need to try something new, something I've never tried before. It's not hard to find in Trader Joe's!  This week it was Kefir.  I have seen it, I have heard about it, and I have even checked it out online, but I had not tasted it. I bought the strawberry-flavored Trader Joe's brand Kefir; or is it Keifer? Anyway, it's tangy!

    If you need something fun and exciting in your life you can try skydiving, but if you're just really needing something more grounded and good-natured, please find the nearest Trader Joe's!  I think the first one I ever went to was in Indianapolis back in 2010. They've been around of course, but I was in Oklahoma before that, and am back in Oklahoma now.  We didn't have the store until 2018 I think It was a while later. I left Indianapolis in 2015 and had to go an entire 3 years without my Trader Joe's coffee -- such a shame.  The Kefir is good and it's good for you. It's rich in anti-oxidants as well as probiotics. LOVELY.

Breakfast: Didn't have it.

Snack: Trail Mix

Lunch: 1/2 of a tuna sandwich, the dog took the other 1/2

Dinner: Two tiny party chicken tacos (soft) with lettuce and sauce.

1000-1200 calories all day and I'm not really hungry.

EXERCISE:  YOGA/DOGA and by that I mean 1 solid hour!! I am not walking these days due to a neighborhood event that has to settle down before I can feel safe out there. I may take myself to the lake tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be good.

WATER, tea, iced tea, water, lemon water...and one coffee.

PHOTO CREDIT:  portly adolescents

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