Monday, June 27, 2022

Day 37 Blogging About it (Del Taco! Who Knew?)

 Could it be that there is actually a fast food restaurant out there that isn't all that bad for us? I don't mean to sound too enthusiastic about it, but there just may be.  My daughter decided to go to her new favorite fasty today and she insisted I go along with her. They have a stuffed grilled chicken quesadilla taco that is only 320 calories and believe it or not, it's both tasty and affordable. It was $2.29 I think. I only had one and I'm OK, I don't eat much these days. Laura had two, she's that way.

    When we think of fast food we think of greasy places with bad meat and foods full of sodium. I did check and this one does have about 800 mg of salt so that's a bit much too, but not as bad as it could be.  I didn't have to add tomatoes, I didn't have to add cheese, I didn't have to add sauce, it was good. There you have it, a good all-around quick and easy fix for dinner or lunch if you just can't think of what you may want.  I won't do it every day, no way, but it is something we can keep looking into for a fast fix. We went yesterday and I had two regular party-type soft tacos. They had about 250 calories a piece and I didn't want to do that again. I really didn't want to go again, but our apartment has had some issues with the water recently and we had maintenance in and out of it all day.

    That's it, we have a fix.  Today was a great day for meditation, Doga, studying, and anything that didn't require a bunch of water! (Well, drinking water is excluded, we have a filter for that, but we also had a few bottles stashed for these types of emergencies.)

Breakfast:  Didn't have it

Snack:  Trail mix

Lunch: Squash and cherry smoothie 

Dinner: a stuffed grilled chicken quesadilla taco and tea! 

A few glasses of water, teas and one coffee - - exercise was Doga and yep, that's it. I have really been a bad case of laziness these past few days.

Photo Credit: Del Taco 

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