Sunday, June 12, 2022

Day 23 Blogging About It (I skipped a day)

 Yes, I know, I skipped a day of blogging. Shame on me. I didn't even have an excuse. I did, however, make it sort of a cheat day. I ate about 2000 calories and I didn't do squat-diddily when it came to exercise. I think I walked about 2 miles the entire day.  It is what it is. I am still nursing my sore knee. That will teach me to walk nearly 4 miles at one time and take harder bigger steps! I was at the lake with my friend and just really having a grand ole' time until I got home and my knee told me to sit down and shut up!

    I need a hot tub! That's what I need. I do soak in the bathtub every night for 20 minutes in hot hot water with vinegar, baking soda, oil, and Epsom salt - - I was putting in fragrance, but I had to stop that! Girly issues. Don't get me started on what is and what is not fair about being a woman. I can't wait for the rapture! I am one good rapture away from having every last problem simply melt away....FAST.

    I won't try to remember what I ate the day before yesterday. Today I had a breakfast cupcake/muffin thing that I made. It had 150 calories in it. I made them using butter, coffee instead of milk, cake flour instead of regular flour, eggs, Stevia, nuts, cinnamon, and baking powder, and I threw in a bit of molasses. They were good, but I do believe an extra egg would have been better - - have to try again next week maybe. I won't use cake flour either, not a fan. 

    Snacks were grapes and cheese. I ran out of trail mix, so I had to wing it. Lunch was leftover mince and tatties from the night before - - and dinner was an interesting spaghetti thing that my daughter threw together using brats instead of hamburger meat.  She added mushrooms! Total again around 2000 for the day, and I walked just under 3 miles today  - - again, resting the freaking knee. Today's temperature was 102 degrees (F) so yeah, not much walking!!  I stayed inside and watched FOREX trading videos. 

    Hope your day was fun! I did order another DAY TRADING t-shirt from Amazon this time. I wanted it to be delivered a bit faster and I'm wearing it Wednesday to a thing we're doing. I don't usually go to trading parties; I don't discuss my practices with anyone. I just do me, let them do them. It should be fn to network though! 

Photo Credit: Warrior Trader

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