Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Day 32 Blogging About it (Kacip Fatimah)

 If you know me, you know I'm always up for a new herb that I have no idea what it is or what it can do. As long as the advertisement is being honest and they haven't been sued for a really bad reaction by several people, I'm going to think about giving it a go. Well, that's the case with the ancient and oh-so-wonderful herb out of the Indonesia area called Kacip Fatimah. It's been used for centuries there (and in Maylasia) for female (hence the Fatimah) needs pre and post-menapause.  It's one of those herbs you read about and think may work, but there's no way to get it since it's not popular or grown in the U.S. Well, thank you Etsy!  It wasn't fast delivery, I think I waited three weeks, but it did arrive today!  I've already made a smoothie using it. We'll see what happens.

    Kacip Fatimah is said to help with so many female issues. It produces a type of hormone kin to estrogen and helps with the regulation of cycles if you have them, but I don't do that.  It assists with skin tightening, cell restoration, and anti-inflammatory issues, and this is really cool (sorry if it's too much information) it helps build up muscles in the abdomen and vagina. Wow...that's gotta be a good thing, right? I mean, that part of my body doesn't really get the exercise or weight lifting that it could use, so yeah, anything to boost that would be welcome! Again, thank you Etsy.  Definitely worth the look-see.

    Kacip Fatimah is strong, and like anything else you're not used to ingesting, you should always consult your doctor before taking it.  I take 500-560 mg a day, and since I use a really cool tiny spoon that is actually measured for things that are 500 mg, I feel pretty confident that I'm not overdosing myself.  It doesn't seem like much when you put it in the smoothie, but if that's what the recommended dosage is, that's what I'm doing. I'm so not a scientist. Although I will say, that SCIENCE has not been doing his/her job lately with my body! It's supposed to be that if you take in less calories and work it off with exercise you're supposed to see the body shrinking!!  C'mon Science!! Do your job!

    Let's see if the stress-relieving, body-toning, anti-inflammatory herb can do its job. That would be great...really really great. 

Breakfast: Didn't have it.

Snack:  Trail mix

Lunch: Squash and cherry smoothie with Kacip Fatimah and other powders.

Dinner: Pork, cheese, grapes, bok choy.

Calories: 1200 to 1300.

Not really walking today so I can let the body rest. REST. I like that.

Water, tea, coffee, water, and more water.

Photo Credit: halalfoodmaster.com

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