Saturday, June 18, 2022

Day 29 Blogging About it (Spaghetti Squash)

 My new hero is spaghetti squash, even though I've eaten it for about 25-30 years.  I don't remember the first time I had spaghetti squash. I don't remember who introduced it to me. I know I had kids, even if it was just one, I know I had kids because I put the thing in my diaper bag when I carried it home. I remember that much.  I am super happy I have met this squash! It is one heck of a fun vegetable.

    It's Summertime almost, and I want to do the best I can at feeding myself foods that are lower in calories, and lower in carbs, but with the fiber I know I need to help me poop better, feel better, and that will help me with weight loss. I have another 30-40 pounds to go if I want to hit the original goal.  I was a bit upset to find that I was over 12 pounds heavier than I should be but it's all due to muscle mass. I can live with that, but I don't know if I want to do it to the extent of weighing as much as a freaking linebacker! I do love the muscles I'm finding though, those are really nice.

    So, spaghetti squash is cool, it's also cheap, it's really fun to cook and eat, and you'll love it if you're a veggie-head like me. I am not a vegan. I am not even a vegetarian. I am a person who loves to eat vegetables.  I've decided to go as meat-free as I can for the summer months and probably for as long as I can.  I think maybe the winter months will find me cooking with beef again, but I can cut back and do more fish, eggs, and chicken. I can cut back on that too, but won't give up the eggs, sorry.  That's where things like spaghetti squash come into the picture. Besides being amazingly awesome for me, it takes the place of a meat source now and then.  Some people cook meat with it too, but if I do that it's rare.

    For the most part, and this is odd, I use spaghetti squash in smoothies with fruits like strawberries or mangos. I haven't tried peaches yet, but I bet it's about the same. I have plums I'm going to try tomorrow. The thing is, spaghetti squash is dense and it's thickly and wonderfully filled with fibers that can really help so many parts of your parts.  The benefits of eating any yellow vegetable for that matter, include, assisting with eye health, providing good energy, helps to stabilize your gut and digestive system to help you poop better. It helps to hold your belly from craving to eat, and since it has very few calories, you can eat a whole lot of it, and not overdo it!  It also helps with arthritis, and gout prevents certain cancers, and has a host of benefits for the brain! You can't go wrong with spaghetti squash.

    Most people bake it after they've scooped out the seeds and sprouts.  They add meat sauce and peppers, season it just like they would a bowl of pasta, and they call it done. Some put brown sugar, butter, and cinnamon on it, and some cut it into cubes for toppings for summer salads. I do those things too, but I use it mostly for smoothies. I can buy a big fat yellow spaghetti squash for about $1.70 and I can make 10 smoothies out if it. That's amazingly cheap folks. I throw in fresh or frozen fruits, add ice and water and my powders, and BAM! It's an awesome smooth icy drink to keep me cool and make me healthy. You can't beat it.  TRY IT. 

BREAKFAST:  I ate at 12:30 p.m.  eggs, bacon, bagel, butter with jam (and coffee)

Lunch: Didn't eat it.

Snack: Spaghetti squash and strawberry smoothie.

Snack: Trail mix

Dinner:  Market salad from Chick-Fil-A.  It's a chicken salad with spinach, lettuce, strawberries, pineapples, blueberries, and feta cheese. I add walnuts, cranberries, and vinegar dressing.

1200 calories to 1350 today!!  WATER, WATER, more water, tea, and then I think WATER would be great.

Walking about 5 miles today. I'll have to wait until about 8:00 p.m. to do most of it. It's 96 out there right now. I'm not taking my chances with the Sun.

Photo Credit: Pinterest

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