Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Day 39 Blogging About it (Walking the Lake)

 As soon as I came home last night from walking about 6.5 miles at the lake my legs were reminding me why it is that we don't walk 6.5 miles around the lake! Then, today, after soaking in the bath (Epsom salt and vinegar) and taking enough Naproxim Sodium to do the job, my legs were begging me to go back to the lake again this evening and walk again. We did about 5.5 miles today (not me and my legs, but me and my friend Niki).  It was GLORIOUS!  Apparently, on Wednesdays, they do the boat club regatta races.  So pretty.  So cool.  Great photos.

    Earlier today Niki had come over and we talked about the bennys of not being employed at the moment. Neither she nor I have steady work at the present, so we're studying to learn new things so we can be more marketable. I'm learning how to trade the Forex and she's learning more Microsoft Office stuff - - it's good to know! Maybe someday we will both be happily employed again, but this time may be working for ourselves or in positions where we are appreciated. Teachers (both of us) are rarely appreciated like they should be nowadays.  More and more teachers have left the profession than any other profession, I'm told.

    The lake was full and I do mean FULL today with walkers, joggers, runners, bikers, and even a man on a true unicycle -- it was motorized!  So cool. We saw a girl having her photos taken for her Quinecera and we saw people being proposed to!! WHAT? It was a wonderful day in deed at the "golden shore" in Oklahoma City at Lake Hefner. We also saw a live cover band at Louie's on the Lake, a good family restaurant. LOVED IT. Dogs were playing on the lawn, and children were darting in and out of the place laughing. I really enjoyed myself.

Breakfast: Didn't have it.

Snack: Plum!!

Lunch:  Aloha burger (burger with cheese and pineapple)

Dinner: 4 oz chicken and rice.

Water, tea, water, and more water and lemon water. (and coffee)

6.1 miles total today walking - - NO stretching today!! I will tomorrow.

Photo Credit: Me

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