Monday, June 6, 2022

Day 18 Blogging About It I'm making beef stew and needed to go to the store to pick up a can of corn. I don't usually eat corn, but I'll do it in a stew.  I went to Aldi, as here in the USA we have good Aldi stores and we expect good service when we go. That didn't happen this time.  A cashier was in my way at every turn. I had to say "excuse me" about 6 times as I made my way through the store picking things off the shelf. She could see I was standing there waiting, but she just kept stocking. She'd move to the next area, and I would as well. Finally, I decided to go the other direction to get out of her way.

    When I took my things to the front to check out there was only one cashier and 5 people in line. I found the rude assistant and asked her if she could either check or find someone as there were 5 people in line. She made a gesture with her hands as if to say "I'm working here" but she saw my insistent stare and decided to come to the front.  I was not allowed back into the line (queue) and so I walked over to where she was opening, as it was actually my turn.  She tried to ask me to go to the back, which was now 11 customers long. I told her I would not, as I had to leave the line to find her.  She tried to check the next person out, but that person said (thankfully) "No, you check her out, she had to get you to come up front and do your job."

    During the ordeal, the cashier (young and rude) managed to not only break open my Greek yogurt but also laughed about it. She tried to hold the basket back and not let me use it to take my items to be packed. I looked her in the eyes and said "You know what's really cool about being as old as I am sister, I know how corporate works."  I grabbed the basket from her, packed my things, and left. I didn't bother getting another yogurt as I was able to store it properly when I got home.  There was another customer who was in the parking lot as I was leaving, she told me she was contacting Customer Service and I told her I would as well.  Did you know, that Customer Service called me back within 15 minutes of my email to them! That was AWESOME.

    They told me that the cashier would be placed on suspension and trained again without pay, and she could either resign or be terminated if she refused. That's how it's done! I am always going to shop at Aldi! That little twit is not going to ruin my day or my experience as an Aldi customer!

Breakfast:  Eggs, cheese, bacon, toast with black currant jam, and coffee.

Snack:  Smoothie: Banana, protein, powders, and milk with ice.

Lunch: Didn't eat it.

Dinner: Beef stew!  Beef, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, corn, celery in broth, and cornbread!

Calories: 1500 tops.

WATER!!  (100+ and tea/water)

EXERCISE:  15000+ steps a day.

Photo Credit:

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