Monday, June 20, 2022

Day 31 Blogging About It (Stretching / Walking)

 I woke up with the intention of studying for most of the day. I'm learning to trade on the Forex, the Foreign Exchange, so I have a lot to prepare for. It's not easy; if it were everyone would be doing it. It's hard, and it's purposely that way, I suppose. It's not the route most people take, but it's for me.  A lot of people who attempt the trading gig fail because they aren't willing to study and research. That's what I love most about it. I can study and research!! I can pour myself into it, and learn all day long for as a very long time. This is perfect. 

    Most of the day was spent studying, but I also made time for the stretching and the walking. I'm doing more and more stretching these days, and I'm doing wall push ups. I have done them in the past, but now I'm really getting into it. I think I'm doing better so that always makes it more fun to try.  I'm stretching, wall pushing, walking, and I need to get back into the battle roping, but not in this heat!! I'll have to wait for a better time of the day to do that. I guess if I were honest I can do it - - I'm just lazy. OK, fine, I'll do it tomorrow.

    I only got 9100 steps in today, that's really very very light for me, but I did stretch for 40 minutes too, so I don't feel too badly. With the temperatures as hot as they are I'm not about to take to the pavement and let the sun beat down on me. NOPE. It's all A/C for me!!

Breakfast: a chocolate pancake crepe. Made with a mix, water not milk, and thinner. I drizzle chocolate syrup over it, and add whip cream. Good, and lower in calories too.

Snack: Trail mix / chocolate (not going to lie)

Lunch: Pastrami and Havarti on wheat.

Dinner: Pork with Romano cheese and grain crumbs, not bread crumbs. Baked with a side of butternut squash soup and grapes.

1400 calories - no cherries today!! Sad.

Water, tea, coffee, and I had an extra coffee at 4! What was I thinking? LOL

Photo Credit:

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