Sunday, June 19, 2022

Day 30 Blogging About it (Steps and more)

 Working out is fun and everything, but you need to rest as well. It's just as important to do so. It's also important to stretch and not just leaning over and touching your toes (if you can) but holding the position for a while, returning to a stand, and doing it again, and again. It's important to sit, stretch, stand stretch, lean stretch, bend and stretch, and even to lay down and stretch too. You have a bunch of areas that need to be pulled and tested before you subject them to working out and crunching up or lifting.  (This has been a public service announcement ....)

    I don't stretch as much as I should, and I don't do the whole yoga thing as often as I should either. I tell myself I will do it. I get up in the morning with grand expectations of using the vibration machine while I lift my 10 or 15-pound bar over my head and out to the front. I do curls with it too.  I tell myself I'm going to do that for 15 minutes, then lay down and do the stretch thing - - maybe 10-15 more minutes. I tell myself I'll do it right after coffee.  Then it's right after I write. Then it's right after I take the dog out again. You get the picture. 

    Today is Sunday, it's the lazy day, and it's already 3:00 p.m. and I am NOT stretching. I need to do that. I have walked 5000 steps, and that's good. Steps are really really important, but I need to lift a bit, dance a bit, jump rope, and do the battle ropes. I need to do much more than just walking. I can always say I'll start that tomorrow, but I think I'll stop what I'm doing now (in a minute) and do it today.

Breakfast:  Didn't have it

Snack: squash and cherry smoothie

Snack: Cinnamon roll -- WHAT? Oh, I'm the worst!

Lunch: Peanut butter and honey sandwich.

Dinner: Ended up with butter squash soup with cheese and crackers.

Dessert: Tiny (tiny) chocolate cheesecake

I'll keep it under 1500 calories today even with the cinnamon roll and cheesecake. Did I mention it was TINY?

WATER, Water, tea, water, coffee, and water.

I'll end up only walking 10,000 so I can get the rest of my work out in as well. I'll do the stretches in a few minutes, the vibration plate with bar lifting and this evening I'll dance. (after I clear a space to do that) I need to do laundry too. Too bad that doesn't burn calories.

Photo Credit: Huffington Post

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