Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Day 25 Blogging About it (Back out there)

 Well, it's been a few days since I stopped the power walking due to the muscles hurting, the tendons hurting, the joints hurting, and then there was the heat! Wow. So I decided to take a break from the whole workout thing, and just relax, but let me tell you - - that's not easy to do when you move as much or as often as I do. My knees were swelling; one more than the other. I looked it up to see if it was just me getting older or what. NOPE...and I was super happy to find out (if you can be happy about a thing like this) that the sun and the heat can actually make things so much worse on you when you exercise due to the fluids in your body (in the muscles and around the joints) that lessen and thin out making it less lubricated.  The fact is, the sun is not your friend when you're out there playing in it!

    Heat stroke and other heat-related illnesses should always be on your mind and in your plan when you're out there having fun or working. You'll want to bring plenty of water, and wear loose and light clothes. You'll want to bring a hat, wear the proper sunscreens, and just stay out of it if you don't need to be in it. Workers have it so much worse than the rest of us. We really do need to pray for them as they're out in it for extended periods of time. Oh, and one other thing that you NEED to realize when you're in the sun folks, it can and it will upset your belly and your intestines.  You will have gas, and more than normal most of the time. It can be both embarrassing and harmful if you don't release it in a timely manner. Just be careful!  It's really really important. 

    Here in Oklahoma, we have had several days of near triple-digit weather. We've had at least six days of over 95-degree weather, and three days over 100 degrees. NOT a fan of heat, and NOT a fan of heat this early in the season. Summer isn't officially here for another week. We're way over the top early for this sort of misery, and it reminds me of why I'm moving soon to Scotland. Just not soon enough!!  For the day, I had a good bowl of oatmeal for breakfast with cranberries and walnuts, honey, cinnamon, and flaxseeds. Let's roll out the stats, shall we?

Breakfast: oatmeal, cranberries, cinnamon, walnuts, honey, and cream. (coffee with cream)

Lunch: Pastrami sandwich on wheat bread with Havarti cheese, spicy mustard, and avocadoes.

Snack: Avocado and chocolate protein shake with my powders.

Dinner: two boiled eggs, bok choy, ham chunks, string cheese, grapes, and dates.

WATER, water, water, tea, and more water!!

1400 calories max - - maybe 1500 if I include the handful of spice candies.

I will finish off with 10,000+ steps today. I'm at 8800 now at 8:35 p.m. and will walk another 1200-1500 when I walk the dog at 10.  Good day!! Happy FLAG DAY!!

Photo Credit: Unknown. 

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