Friday, June 10, 2022

Day 22 Blogging About it (Gunpowder Green Tea)

 OMG...I love tea. I love buying it, shopping for it, looking at it, making it, drinking it, and even researching it. I love my hot tea. I know, most Southern women are into cold iced tea with plenty of sugar in it, sweet tea, but I'm so not that. I am into hot teas even when it's over 90 degrees outside. I'm that gal. So today, I'm doing the best dang green tea found on the planet. It's Gunpowder Green Tea, and you can buy it online if you want, but I go to the Asian market here in the city. They have a box of it, always loose, and it's so cheap I could get a year's supply for literally $10. NOT kidding. 

    What at the benefits of drinking green gunpowder tea? Well, according to author John Staughton, "There are many benefits to drinking gunpowder green tea which may include preventing chronic disease, soothing arthritis, stimulating the metabolism, aiding in weight loss, preventing tooth decay, protecting the heart, lowering blood sugar, and improving the appearance of the skin, among others."   His article can be found at:,of%20the%20skin%2C%20among%20others.  It's really worth the read. If for no other reason, I drink it for the weight loss component, but hey, lack of tooth decay is a winner in my book, too.

    Basically, Gunpowder Tea is loose leaf tea that has been processed in such a way to roll the leaves up into tiny tight balls. They are released when the hot water hit them, and yes, they are leafy and green and full of all the goodness that implies. You can check it out, decide for yourself, but that's what I'm doing today.   I can't walk yet, knee is still really sucky, so I'm waddling around the place looking like an old goat, but at least I'm happy, drinking plenty of green tea, listening to my Forex trading mentor Steven Hart, and just living the dream.

Breakfast:  2 crescent rolls rolled out with stevia and cinnamon on them.

Snack: cherries later on, and probably some trail mix.

Lunch: Haven't decided, but I'm pretty sure I need to eat the left over beef stew as well as a brats that been calling my name.

Dinner:  Something with hamburger meat, maybe spaghetti. I need to make Ramen tomorrow!!

Calories: 1400-1500 tops.

Water, tea, tea, tea, water, and yeah, the one coffee with cream in the morning!

NO WALKING sadly, but I do waddle about 4000 steps.

Photo Credit:  Shutterstock from the article mentioned

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