Thursday, June 9, 2022

Day 21 Blogging About it. (Needy Knee)

 SUCH a great day!! It was so pretty, and just hot enough, just breezy enough, and just wonderful enough for my friend Niki and I to meet at the lake near our houses, and walk 3.3 miles. It never feels like you walk that fair when you do it at the lake. We put in about an hour I guess. I got there a bit earlier, maybe 10 minutes, and we just walked up and down the road a bit. It's so easy to do when conditions are perfect, and they were.

    There are at least 4 good restaurants on the lakeside and we have to try each one. She has gone to some of them, I have not. I have just been so stingy with myself that I haven't truly enjoyed going out or spending money.  I'm saving it so I can trade it soon.  I think this weekend I'll go to at least one of the good lakeside restaurants and put that on the checklist. I have to say, I don't mind checking things off, but I don't get around to it much.

    There it was, the perfect situation, and we walked 3.3 miles. We did it all in an hour which means I was walking a bit over 3 miles per hour and my knee thought I was abusing it so later in the day it decided to rebel against me and quit. I really do and I could go to the knee shop and get another one, but that too takes a bit of planning and finance!  It will happen someday, but not today. Besides, I'm not about to slow down long enough to be off the pace. NOPE. 

    Breakfast was NONE existent again. I did manage to have a tuna sandwich for lunch and I did manage to have a good snack and a good salad for dinner. I think as Americans we tend to go out more than they do in Europe. We hit up the fast food places for salads as well as burgers and fries. My chicken salad from Braum's has less than 400 calories and is a full chicken breast on a plate of spinach and lettuce with strawberries, blueberries, and pineapple. I add walnuts and cranberries and Balsamic dressing. So good.

Breakfast: Nothing

Lunch: Tuna Sandwich (lemon pepper tuna on a light bun)

Snack: Cherries!!  (and trail mix)

Dinner:  Chicken salad

Water, tea, water, water, tea, and more water.

1400 calories today.

3.3 miles today, bummer, but OK.

Photo Credit: Me  Lake Hefner Lighthouse 

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