Thursday, June 23, 2022

Day 34 Blogging About It (Burgers and Fries)

 My ex-sister-in-law turned friend, Delores, came by this evening so we could hang out. We get to see each other a couple of times a year. She's a traveling healthcare person, and she takes an assignment near my house about once or twice a year, and when she does she stays for 3 months or so in the neighboring areas. I like it. We have fun. Today, we went to a really cool burger joint called Boomerang. There are many of them, it's sort of a '50s and '60s throwback sort of diner. LOVE IT. The vibe is great, the food is wonderful, and the prices are even better.  You can still get a burger and fries for about $7.00!  

    Since both of us drink water with lemon and eat extra pickles on our burgers we tend to have the same thing when we go out to places like that. She likes my burger toppings of lettuce, onion, and tomatoes. I don't ever eat them, and for the past 34 years she's eaten mine, so it's all good.  I have been cutting back (way back) on beef, but I will eat it now and again, and I just can't help myself, I love a good steak, and I do love a good burger with extra extra pickles. 

    There was little to no walking done today. I think the temperatures were just under 100, and the wind was down, so it was TOO HOT to do much of anything until after 8:00 p.m.  I walked about 1.7 miles, did my stretching and Doga exercises for over an hour today inside, and I finally got in the pool for the first time this season.  It was supposed to be open on Memorial Day, but we had to wait!!  I spent another hour in it tonight just running in place and doing the aquatic fun exercises you see people do when they really don't know what they're supposed to be doing. 

Breakfast:  2 eggs, cheese, 1/2 a bagel with butter and jam. Coffee

Snack: Trail Mix, grapes

Lunch: Avocado/Squash/blueberry shake with my powders

Dinner: Burger and fries!!

1500-1600 calories total -- still under 2000 recommended, so I feel pretty good about that. I gotta get this deficiency in somehow.

Photo Credit: Me

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