Friday, June 24, 2022

Day 35 Blogging About It (Cheat Day!)

 Most people look forward to "Cheat Day" like they were having a birthday or something! It's that day, it's the one day they can have anything they want! There is a diet out there that is conditioned to starting the diet with such an incredibly unbalanced cheating period that it literally calls for a person to stuff themselves with upwards of 5000 calories a day for two days. I can't imagine doing that, but I can think of the great food I'd be doing it with if I could do that to myself. 

    When I have a Cheat Day I use it sparingly, and try to be a bit careful not to overdo it so my body doesn't reject the food and cause a meltdown. Been there, done that! I prefer to just step outside the boundaries a bit, and do a bit of fried food, or making get an ice cream sundae....or both.  Today, it was both. I went to Braum's, and I did the right thing for Cheat Day.  I ordered the #10, which in OKC means I get a four-piece fried chicken strip dinner served with fries (which used to be mashed potatoes) a bread roll, a pudding cup, and sauces. It comes with a medium shake as well. Yes, thank you.  German Chocolate for me!

    I knew I wouldn't be working out today, so I didn't want to go too hog wild on the Cheat Day thing - - don't want to be backed up or not be able to live with myself. I guess the entire day was a Cheat Day, so my lunch at Boomerang (yes, again) with my friend Niki was the setup for what would become a full-on CHEAT. It was wonderfully worth every bite.  I'll get back to the walking and Doga tomorrow. I'm wallowing in my piggy-ness today!  Just shocking the metabolism! 

Breakfast: Nothing.

Lunch: Burger and fries with EXTRA pickles at Boomerang.

Snack: Sonic cranberry limeade 

Dinner: Braum's #10 Chicken Strip dinner with a German Chocolate Shake!


2000-2150 calories

Water, tea, cranberry limeade, coffee, and sparking water.

ZERO exercises. I don't think I walked 1000 steps today. LAZY as ever!

Photo Credit: Braum's Ice Cream and Dairy

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