Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Day 19 Blogging About It

 Yes, it's true, we're a bunch of rescuing bleeding hearts here at the Stringfellow home. We take in strays and so-called throw out animals, we find wildlife that has been abused, abandoned, or otherwise in need. We do what we can, it's going to happen.  Today, or actually last night, I came across an incredibly sad situation outside of the apartment while I was walking the dog.  Ginger and I walk about 15,000+ steps every day, and we were at the end of that when I saw the neighbor's cat throwing something up into the air, it would scurry off a bit, then the cat caught it, and threw it back up into the air.  OMG...it was a little tiny baby Mediterranian gecko.  It was tiny!!  It was also severely wounded.

    I knew it was less than half alive when I saw it, but it was able to move a bit.  I immediately called Laura from upstairs to come down and do what she could do. Even she isn't a miracle worker.  She did catch it and give it a good few hours of peace, love, prayer, and comfort away from the grip of its preditor the neighboring cat.  Sebastian is such a wonderful creature, and he wasn't doing anything wrong really, just being a cat, but it was just too sad to see.  This morning she buried the sweet thing and we hope we never have to see another one in such distress.  

    I think that event and the heavy heavy rain we had last night and into the morning made it harder for me to want to eat anything of any substance today.  I didn't have breakfast, I didn't have lunch. I made it to about 3 p.m. before putting down a tuna sandwich, and then I made a chocolate smoothie with yogurt around 4 p.m. Here it is a bit after 6 p.m. and I'm just not into food.  I'll likely do something light around 7 or 8 and just call it done. I am still rather sad due to the little gecko.  He/she was nearly white, but Laura insists it was due to a lack of blood and from sheer terror. I thought he/she was really pretty that way.  My personal gecko Bob is named for Robert the Bruce. He's a fully grown Leopard Gecko, mostly yellow, gold, and with brown and black spots on his wonderfully creative tail.  I didn't tell Bob what was going on in the other room -- best he not have to worry about such things.  

   Water, tea, more water later. Walking, walking, walking.  I think I'll do 15,000 steps and call it a day around 8:00 p.m. and just sort of prepare myself for tomorrow.  We didn't even name the little guy, I think I'll call him Petey.  He was just really sweet. Maybe I'll see him in Heaven. He can hang out at my place with the others.

Breakfast: nothing

Lunch: nothing

Snack: chocolate smoothie with collagen and cranberry

Dinner:  Tuna sandwich 

1200 calories max.

Photo Credit: Me

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