Saturday, June 4, 2022

Day 17 (I think) Blogging About it.

 I should never let my daughter talk me into going to Braum's during the day. I never get the chicken salad during the day, I end up getting a chicken sandwich, but NOT TODAY!  Today I was just so so bad, and I decided that Cheat Day should be a really fun day! I couldn't have picked a better burger to just blow the whole day with. I bought a four-cheese burger, and as you might expect, it has 4 slices of ooey, gooey, melted, full of fat goodness, and I asked for extra pickles. I couldn't believe my eyes when I tenderly unwrapped the big mess to find that they had not put even a single pickle on my burger, let alone the extra pickles I had gleefully ordered.  

    Kirby, the guy at the first window talking my order, is always so careful to order exactly what I ask for. He's a doll, and he's a favorite of many people who travel the world just to go to our Braum's to have the best of service. NOT TODAY!  Today, Kirby ordered my pickles of course, he is never going to let me down, but someone in the kitchen did let me down, and in such a monumental way! First World Issues Much!! I had to dig out my own dill pickles from the jar in my fridge to add to the burger, can you freaking believe that? LOL....I hope you don't think I'm being even the least bit serious. I'm "having a moan" as they say in the UK. I'm just bitching.

    With the fries I'd say I had about 1250 calories for lunch. OUCH! I will certainly be walking that off later today. I ended up walking over 20,000 steps yesterday, over 8.5 miles, and I love that. I am on my way today to get around 15,000 if I don't over do it. I may end up over doing it just because I ate so much at lunch. My stomach is already threatening me. I can't do that again. I don't care if it is Cheat Day, I need to NOT do that again. It's too hot to actually walk right now, so I'll have to put in a few more minutes after the sun hits the horizon. I can stay out past dark of course, I'm a big girl, but the dog gives out after 3500 steps or so. I have to time it right if I take her.

    Speaking of dogs! OMG! I am just such a weenie-dog fan, you'd know that if you knew me. I've had one most of my life starting with Rover when I was about a year old. He lasted 16 years, then there was Yogi, Yogi 2, Richochet, BeBe, and George....God knows, I will have one heck of a place in Glory with all my dogs, but those were just the Dachshunds and Mongrels with Dachshunds as a base. Matrix remains the perfect dog, he was 1/2 Dachshund and 1/2 Beagle.  Anyway, I went to PetSmart today with my daughter and there they were....two wonderfully long weenie mix dogs and all they wanted to do was be petted! I had to oblige. They let me hold them, they kissed me, told me how pretty I am, and they really let me think I was their Queen. I would so so so be the Dachshund Queen! I want that title. And it's a good thing Ginger stayed at home because she would have told me not to go near them. She's a bit on the jelly side when it comes to me showing a bit of attention to another dog.

    That's it. I'm walking, drinking more water, doing anything I can to get that filthy wonderful four-cheese monster burger from my gut -- it was devine!!  There was no breakfast, I had a strawberry smoothie at 11:00.

Breakfast: NOTHING

Snack:  Smoothie (Strawberry, ice, powders, milk and honey)

Lunch: BIG fat, nasty, melty 4-cheese burger with BBQ sauce, fries and tea.

Dinner: Eggplant (roasted with garlic/olive oil/onion) and salad greens with vinagrette dressing.

I'll end up with 2000 calories but in the end that's still lower than most intakes for most people. My belly just isn't set up for that right now. NOPE.

Photo Credit: ME... This is George

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