Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Day 51: Blogging About it (The Adjuster's Test)

 Hopefully, by the time I finish this blog, I will have an answer as to whether or not I have passed the Oklahoma Property & Casualty Adjuster's Exam.  I have been an adjuster for years, and I was licensed for a very long time. I let the license lapse because I wasn't doing much adjusting over the past several years.  I owned my own business, so I had to run the business end of things. The adjusting was done by others.  So, here I am sitting at my desk at home,  just waiting for the email that says I passed or failed the test. I don't even know why I took the exam again. I guess I thought maybe I would get back into adjusting. I could, I suppose. If I did it would be as a private adjuster.

    Adjusters for insurance companies are rather special in that they are the ones who give a dollar amount to the proposed damage(s) and they determine (with the underwriter) how much will be paid, who will be paid, if there will be a payment, and whether or not there will be a need to involve a third party to collect damages from another party if the insured is not at fault. I have been on both sides of the coin.  I have represented the insured that was at fault, and I have represented the insured who was not at fault. It's about the same in terms of determining the amounts but let me tell you, it's a whole other ball game if your insured is not at fault and you have to go after the money!

    I recently (yesterday) accepted a position where I will be instructing again, not doing insurance.  If I had known this six weeks ago, I would not have paid for the exam in the first place. This particular exam is cheap to take,  unlike others where you have to mortgage your home just to take the exam.  (I'm kidding, but the Series 66 exam was literally 8x more expensive than this exam!)  I missed the Series 66 by one question and you can't know how upsetting that is. If I pass this one I'm good, if I don't pass it I'm good.  

    I think I see the email has been added to. Let me go see what or how I did.  THERE YOU GO....I passed. Yea! I mean, I was pretty sure I would, but you never know. Yes, I did in fact pass. YEA.  Now, I will apply for the license, pay that, and have it so that if I want to, I can become a professional Claims Adjuster again.  Woot!

Snack: Licorice, trail mix, turtles (2)

Lunch: Grilled cheese with a chicken sandwich

Dinner:  Chicken salad with fruit

Water, tea, water, coffee, lemon water.

1500 calories max

I may end up swimming tonight and walking!

Photo Credit: Oklahoma Department of Insurance

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